Lucy's Travels
Monday 21st November - After a long night flight from London we arrived in Hong Kong amazed by its towering buildings and busy atmosphere of people. To reach the hotel was a mission in itself. We had to take the eport express (like the underground, but a lot cleaner!) to Hong Kong island and then a taxi to the hotel. Our hotel was lovely and we had a fabulous view overlooking the 'Happy Valley Racecource'. We threw our bags down and headed outside. We jumped on the local tram (interesting!) and made our way to 'the peak'. The Peak is a shuttle that takes you to the highest point of Hong Kong and reflects the photo on the postcards, I have no photos as my camera didnt pick up any of the lights! We grabed some dinner and made our way back to the hotel.
Tuesday 22nd November - We had a lie in to get rid of our jet-lag and made our way to Stanley Market. We took the bus all the way and had a shop around to hunt down the fakes. In the evening we met Seph and Peter who took us to a bar were they served monkey nuts, we couldnt understand why everyone was putting the nut shells on the floor but thats what they do. We went for a lovely chineese meal and eat pigeon! Yum yum! We got home at 5.30am i will say no more!
Wednesday 22nd November - Due to the night before we didnt wake up until about 3pm! Woops! We had a hangover KFC and went for a walk around Time Square.
Thursday 23rd November - We went to Kowloon on the Star Ferry. We went to Mon Kock to hunt down channel sunglasses - found some! We went to Wong Tai Sin to a temple and then made our way to the Avenue of Stars, which is a boardwalk with Chinese film stars (only knew Jackie Chan!) and the view looks over Hong Kong island. In the evening we got a taxi to Steph and Peters for a Chilli. It was really yummy! We then went to a local bar for a few!
Friday 24th November - Had a walk in Wan Chai and then went to a restaurant for dim sum. A meal with lots of different dishes. We then walked around the local food market and said our goodbye's to Steph and Peter. Thank you if you're reading this, it was lovely to be shown parts of the city I'm sure we woulnd't have seen without you. We then packed and headed to the airport!
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