Me again
All is well with me and Anna, we are still having an awesome time. Have spent most days on the tan is doing well but both of us have been a burnt along the pain, no gain!!! We went up Table Mountain on Tuesday and that was spectacular, the views were unbelievable. It was so peacful up there apart from a group of Aussie blokes one of whom started filming us on his camcorder and carried on to tell us that it was 40 degrees in Sydney. Then he said that we could take a picture of him (with our cameras) if we wanted...arrogant little what isn't boding well for Oz at the mo!!!!!! After Table Mountain we then went on to the waterfront/harbour which is really modernised and not at all what I expected. Its got this huge shopping mall that we managed to get lost in!!! Lots of really nice restaurants. Anna and I have decided to save money we are going to have a big lunch but at like 3,4 o clock which tides us over until breakfast the next hopefully will some back half the size due to that and the amount of sweating we are doing!!!!
Jonny has been working most days so haven't seen much of him but went out for a drink with him on tues and then went to the cinema and saw Casino Royale....loved it. Being in the cinema was so so so nice coz it was air conditioned which not many of the places are around here. And its so so cheap less than 2 pounds of a ticket. Last night we planned to have a quite night in but the a load of Irish guys appeared and we ended up having a pretty late night after chatting to them and playing pool...they were so funny and impossible to understand coz they had such thick accents.
Been to the beach most days coz it is so much cooler down there and the sea is so refreshing coz it so bloody cold!! There are loads of tradesmen that wlak up and down the beach selling things...the majority are selling 'ice cold drinks, ice cream, ice coke and ice lollies'....from their ice boxes...this is when we met 'Freddie who is always ready'!!! He was one oft the traders....nothing dodge!!!
Going to try and have a day out of the sun today so are going to the waterfront. Last night at the hostel tonight and then staying with Jonny....relaxing but his pool hopefully!!!Should hopefully be able to put my photos on here then.
Love to you all and missing you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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