Another great blog Treash Pity about the celebs ("Oh yeah!!") have a great time over the finishing straight and a calm trip home. There is a dapper young man with lovely ears bursting to see you as we all are. LOL and k's to cover Arizona
Tand D
Very entertaining blog as ever. Thanks too for lovely card.We're are all busting to hear of your adventures directly from you. Mint beside himself at the prospect LOL and moors of K's
Ylm And Yld
Brill blog! Keep Having fun,fun, fun, Look after your nails!!!! Good to hear from you today. Smell the oranges for me!!!!
Very very quick message from me. Great to catch up on your woderful trip. Dad told me to log re Fiji - must admit have not done so for ages. All well here - just v v busy at work. Will now on deployment and alongside in Gib. Sophie also v busy in run up to Moon Walk on 19 May. Jeff busy running JAG, RFU and anything else as need be! LOL and looking forward to seeing you soon XXXOOO
D,t And Mpupee
Loving the photos Lulu, and great to hear all your news. What an amazing time you are having.
We are all v excited that you will soon be home - can't wait to see you.
We saw YLM, YLD and YLB last w/e. It was great to see YLM's pics exp the skydive ...woooaaah...
Take extra good care, LOL from us all.
Tand D
Wonderful blog Treash - loved the phrase 'camp as a row of tents' If you were 112 how on earth many were there? How about cans?All in the usual chaos here; the dining room is being decorated - don't ask!T sends 54 hectares and B and T add theirs and of course so do I as does master Mint who has announced that he does not think 15 days is'nt very but it's too long for him
Auntie Manda
Hi Lucy,
Haven't been able to look at your blog for a while for some technological reason far beyond my intellect! Have enjoyed seeing and reading what you've been up to....can't wait till we see you and catch up!! I bet you've enjoyed having your lovely Mummy with you...and that she has relished sharing a little of your adventure with you. Can you imagine the look on Ben's face if I'd suggesting joining him!!??
Love Amanda xx
HAPPY EASTER from everyone at HH
weather is beautiful here lots of sun!!!
Lots of love and kisses
(and minty)
T And D
WHAT A BRAVE TRIO YOU ARE! -MARVELLOUS PHOTIES OF YOUR JUMP DT. YLD and YLB landed here safely late golf top of the programme with the Masters on TV night. Mint was delighted to see them T is improving slowly but effectively. We found the reason why so many computers have gone on the fritz Would you believe it was the monitor which is why you have had no recent emails or messages. Now all well methinks LoL from us all here assembled with sixty two hectares of k's
A Dublin Leprechaun
Anna-I can see that you are really enjoying a lot of plastic surgery on my credit card with bungey jumps, glazier trips, shotover rapids, dolphin trips to name a few "essentials". It would be good to hear from you just occasionally but I guess this travel thing is just too much fun?
Hi GDT - Your Mother's in the country! She called to say that she has arrived safe and well but concerned that you might not find her, hotel's not easy to find! She's at the Holiday Inn on the Avon ... 'on the way out of town' ... I'm sure you'll manage. Boyzee and I are busy, packing boxes and revising - deep joy! Your last blog was wonderful, the more the merrier! Love to Anna, keep yourselves safe, lol yld xxx
T & D
Lovely to hear your voice yesterday and the wonderful message. T could not get tp the 'phone quickly enough and D was out but the message was clearly recorded. Everyone was here at the weekend but T was not too well, but it was a success in the end. Mint was delighted to see everyone but he looked first for you. YLM explained where you are and he said that so long as you are having a wicked time he was very happy - and so say all of us! LOL and K T and D