Hello Everyone.
I've arrived!!! The adventure has begun!! Anna and I arrived in Cape Town yesterday morning after a 4 hour delay on our flight. It is a lovely city but not at all what I expected. The weather is fab but bit too hot at night and with no air con that has meant quite a restless night. It was about 28 degrees here yesterday and it's hotter today. We were taken to our hostel by taxi, the driver was pretty out spoken and kept going on bout how SA sports teams are so much better that English but to be honest WHO CARES!!! Anyho we arrived at our hostel that looked a bit dodge from the outside but once inside and shown to aour room it was actually all really nice. We then went for a little walk into the centre but really didn't seem like it al all was really quite for a Saturday afternoon and with some pretty weird looking shops. We brought some food to use in the kitchen and headed back to the hostel for a sleep coz despite the very small time difference it flying overnight isn't nice. We slept for bout 2 hours then Jonny came and meet us and took us to Camps Bay which is right on the beach and much better than the city centre. It's much more of a modern area with lots of hot southafrican men!!!!(Anna and I are loving the accent!!!)We had cocktails (obviously not me!!) and cuaght with Jonny and had some food. It was really weird the fact that it was still boiling and light at 7.30pm!! We then went for a little drive.... longer that expected cox Jonny doesn't know his way aroung CT that well but it was actually really nice to see different parts of it. We then went to a bar called La Med which is right on the sea front and was v busy. That was where Anna and I were asked to appear in Zoo magazine by having our photos taken and then telling them aan emmbarrassing story bout ourselves......we declined the money involved!!!!! From the bar we watched a comet fly over CT and the moon setting at 9 in the evening.....v v v strange!!! We then took another unintentional little detour back to the hostel!! We then wrote inout journals and went to bed.
Off to the beach today but no swimming in the sea coz it's too cold and shark infested!!!!!!Think I'll just work on the first layer of my tan!!!!
Better go hope everyone is well and missing you lots
Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxx
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