It's been a while since I have updated this properly and I am very sorry that I have been so slack but I'm afraid to say it but am having so much fun I can't find time to do it. Finally I am updating it tho!!!
Anyho the last time I wrote I was in Airlie Beach just about to go sailing round the Whitsundays.....well I done that and it was amazing altho the weather could have been a bit better, the snorkelling was amazing and we had cool boat that was an ex racing that sialing was pretty fast and intense, but good fun. Unfortunately I didn't take my camera with me coz I did want to ruin it so you will have to wait to see the photos I took with my disposable one. We were away for 2 nights and 2 days and it was the perfect amount of time. I surprised my self with not getting motion sickness at all and it wasn't a smooth 2 days so how I didn't is a good question!!
Before we went sailing we spent 3 wicked days on Fraser Islannd (the largest sand Island in the world) What a place....lots of freshwater lakes with clear blue waters. Had to be careful of the Dingos and the creepy crawlies!!! We did a self drive which meant we were put into a group of 10 and given a truck and set free on the island....we were really lucky and had a awesome group. Jenna and Jill two Canadian girls we are travelling with were in our group which was awesome.
Anyho my time is running out so have got to in Cairns and the weather is so so muggy so we have been air con hopping!!! Have spent 2 days up at Cape Tribulation, the rainforest north of Cairns, and the rest of time chilling in Cairns with our histerical room mates from Cunbria......they are so funny. Leave OZ on friday...v v sad coz have loved every minute here and have just heard that it is really cold in New Zealand :(
Hope everyone is well and keep up the messages with news from England coz don;t here much over here....but did manage to watch England beat France in the rugby!!!!
Miss you all and lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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