FINALLY....Don't worry I am still alive!!!!!!!!! The internet has been down where we are staying hence the lack of regular entries so this one might be a long one!!!! Firstly thank you to everyone that sent me a birthday good to here from so many people. Had a wicked birthday. Climbed the Harbour bridge which was amazing, the view was fab and the weather perfect. Got some photos that I will try and put on soon...not sure when tho. Went out for dinner with the people we are staying with and Penny came too. After dinner we went out for drinks with Henry and his friends. was a v good night.
Anna and I have loved our time in Sydney. We have been staying with Joan and Rod who are Anna's family friends. They've got a son, Henry, the same age as us and he and his two friends Jez and Tim have shown us the nightlife of sydney very well. Every night has been a late one but soo much fun. Anna has got a bit of a thing for Tim but I not seeing it as much!!!! Someone told him he looked liked Colin Farrell....the only similarity seems to be his eyebrows!!!! Anna just told me she just loves him!!!!!!! Both (Jez and Tim) seem to live at Henry's house so have seen a lot of them and they have been more helpful that Henry himself, he thinks he's a bit to cool for school....if you get my drift!!!!
We have done lots of the toursity things as well like the Opera house, the Aquarium, Manly Beach and Bondi Beach neither of which I thought all the were cracked up to be. Manly is very pretty tho. The sea is riddled with jelly fish which makes swiming an interesting one!! The weather is alot mugger that Perth and not been amazing but the tan is still doing OK!!!! We got completely drowned at the Opera house in the middle of a thunderstorm....pretty impressive lightening!
The boys have been our chaffeurs for the week and at times there driving is a little scary but we manage to get from A to B in one piece!! However conversation is limited on the journeys coz the music they listen to is so so loud. I didn't like the music that much to begin with but now am quite enjoying it and Anna has asked Henry for the CD....we're not holding out much hope in getting it tho coz remember he's to cool!!!!!!
We are off up the coast tomorrow.....thats when the back packing begins and cost rapidly increase!!!! Really looking forward to seeing more of Oz. Looks like the bus is going to be v busy because they have had to put on an extra one. we leave at 6.30AM.....isn't going to be fun. Not really sure where we are headed...all i know is its called Surf Camp. the itnerary has changed slightly to when we booked it but it does mean we are refunded $220...which is no bad thing!!!
Anyho better go to bed ready for our early start. Just said bye to Penny....quite sad coz not sure when we are going to see her again...hopefully soonish.
Have taken lots of photos but haven't got the time or patience to put them on now I'll try and do it soon. Hope everyone is well and not to frostbitten.....just think of me with sunstroke!!!!!!(not really....drinking plenty of water to keep that at bay!!)
Lots of love to you all
P.S loving the messages keep them up!!!
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