Its me again!!!! I'm still in Australia and having the time of my life. Before I start to tell you bout whats been happening over the past week I would just like to clear up that Anna ISN'T actually in love (its hard to express sarcasium thru typing!!!!)Just the men over here are very good looking and generally really nice too!!!! Anyho now that I have cleared that up here's whats been happening over the past week.We left Sydney very early on Sunday morning. Said our goodbyes to Henry the night before but was bit weird. Never actually said bye to Tim or Jez tho coz they didn't stay on Saturday night so was a bit weird and a shame coz had such an awesome week with them. Anyho jumped on the Oz exp bus at 6.30AM and met our driver, Stringer and the other 22 backpackers, most of whom seem to be Irish or Canadian!!!! Left Sydney and had a long drive to Surf Camp which is in a place called Arrawarra, north or Coffs Harbour. Arrived at Surf Camp at 3pm having had a 30 minute stop in Kempsey. Was met by a load of surf dudes....very chilled out and laid back. We were shown to our rooms on in the camping site and then were off to the desserted beach for our 3 hour surf lesson with our teachers Louis, Josh and Ali. Waves were perfect but a little big at times. We both standing by the end of the session and had a wicked time. After our leson we had supper under the stars and then socialised on the beach. Really chilled and relaxing. Some of our fellow bus buddies had quite a lot to drink and provided the entertainment for the evening. Overall a fantastic experience!!The next morning we headed to Byron Bay. What a place!! Very surfy and hippy town, made for backpackers. Booked into our hostel called Holiday Village, it was huge. We stayed in an apartment that had a kitchen and sitting room. There were already 4 Essex lads staying there and so Anna and I plus 2 other guys from our bus (Manny and Frodo-has the same bday as me!!!!) joined them. They were all really nice and friendly. The weather wasn't brill for our time in Bryon but the beach was gorgeous and did some shopping...brought some fishermans trousers!! that evening we went out to a club called Cheeky Monkeys which was opposite our hostel . Had a good dance a fun night but were so tired so were back in bed by 12.30am.Lucy and Mindy came down and picked us up from Byron on Wednesday. The weather was still rubbish but we sat and had a chat on the beach before heading back up to the Gold coast (a 2 hr drive) and into Queensland. There is a time difference at the mo coz QLD don't believe in daylight saving where as NSW does so we gained an hour....v weird!!! Have been on the Gold Coast staying with Lucy since Wednesday. Having a wicked time been to the beach (so tan doing well!!) Had a barbie at Mindy's house and saw Frag, Charlotte and Sam, we went out partying in Surfers Paradise on Valentines with the girlies and there friends. Overall having a fab time and Lucy's family are lovely, really welcoming and have taken us round the Gold Coast to see the grateful. Went to a water park on Friday (Australia's biggest) and had a wicked time despite Annas bikini breaking on one of the slides.....v embarrassing moment for her!!!!! Leaving tomorrow, off to Brisbane for 3 days and then on up the coast.Anyho this is getting pretty long so I will call it a day but there is a rough guide to what we have been up to and for those of you that don't know who Lucy and Mindy are, they are the Gap students from FSM last year that I got to know pretty well whilst I was working there.I'm afraid I am having problems with loading my photos but will try again when I have the patience!!!Hope you are all well and keep the messages hearing from you and whats going on in the UK.Lots of lovexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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