I was writing a blog post when my phone browser crashed. Very frustrating! Luckily the site recovered some of it but with some spaces missing. I apologise for errors, including sometimes completely the wrong words - phone can be hard to use.
Hello. Finally in a place with wifi. I realise the blog has been a bit neglected. We're now in Te Anau, a small town in the south west of New Zealand. It's on the shore of a really big lake of the same name.I'm going to try to post some stuff I wrote earlier on a coach.
Just to sum up how we're doing: - No major injuries so far
No major arguments
No diplomatic incidents
No arrests.
I've had quite a heavy cold this last week, it is finally geeasing off. For several days I was sneezing almost constantly and very violently. I was worried about going too close to the edge of cliffs in case a sneeze propelled me into the is much better now though.
More To follow, could be quite a long post.
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