We had a really long drive to Mariposa from Vegas. Left at 745 am and didn't arrive until 6pm. Mariposa is a small town near Yosemite with a small population. I got the feeling the place was very religious, there was a sign that showed the churches and there was about 12. There was a sign outside the front of somebodies house saying something about abortion being evil. We went for dinner at a pizza place which was actually really nice, then we had a small room party in my room.
The next morning I slept in and missed the bus to Yosemite, so Braidy and I walked up to buy a shuttle bus ticket and then we missed that bus too. We ended up just swimming in the pool and randomly finding a surf shop in town. We walked about 4kn that day in the heat and bought some meat for the bbq the whole group was to have that night. We had a meal in the diner accross the street where there were deers and bob cats proudly displayed around the room. I found out that there were lots of deer, bears and mountain lions in the area which freaked me out a little. The night before the lobby lady walked me to my room cos I was scared a mountain lion would jump out and attack me.
That night we went up to the bbq area and had a nice bbq and lots of drinks. The new people that had joined the tour had a chance to get to know everybody. Most of us had a 10pm swim which was nice and kept drinking till late. We kept waking up John (tour leader) by knocking (how juvenile) which he loved. The next day we got up bright and early for breakfast and coach trip to San Fransisco.
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