i don't believe you were scared of a little old mtn lion, you were always such a brave girl, not afraid of spiders and cockies!!!
Bec M
Hey Lozza,
You crack me up! It does not surprise me one bit that you have alredy gotten "married" and been on tv!!! The tour group is veruy lucky to have someone as fun as you on board..my tour group in Europe was crap! Keep livin it up and good girl with all the blogs they are very entertaining!
Las Vegas sounds like party central,I didn,t know we had an actress in the family you,ll have to sign an autograph for my oldies.Can,t wait to hear about San Fransisco.
Did you love Arizona?? We loved it soooo much! And the Grand Canyon is huge hey, like ridiculously big. Way bigger than you would think.
Great to hear you are having an awesome time, keep on living it up... and shop, you deserve it! :)
Lauren - we missed you online, i was reading your blog, then Chloe rang and i had to pick her up off the train. When i got back you had written "mum, you online??" I replied but you were gone. These blogs are fantastic, you should keep it going, and with all your adventures you might have a book worth of material!!
Love Dad. oh - Dan has got a new job.
Hi lauren
I wish I was in the heat it is so COLD here,raining and miserable,glad to hear you are enjoying yourself so much,hot air ballooning will be fantastic,your nan said you can hear everything inthe balloon even when you are 100,s of metres up in the air (ie conversations on the ground) Love you-mum
Your having so much fun I look forward to reading all your blogs. trust you to use the loo on the bus first hahahahaha.
Heres hoping Kaitlin gets the travel bug after reading this too.
Have a great time and keep out of mischief.
Love you
You look like your having an absolute ball.I am so jealous of you seeing panda's.Keep enjoying yourself and making many friends and memories.
I look forward to your blogs.
Love nattii
sounds like your having a ball loz,I,ll have to tell Monique about the shots and cocktails.Are thereany boys on this tour only seen girls in the photo,s?love you mum.
Sounds like ur having so much fun already.. love the photos
Good reading Lauren,nice to talk on the phone too,did you meet all your tour travellers tonight?Sounds like your $100 a day budget will all get spent on grog!!! save a bit for other essentials like SHOPPING
Hey lozz good to hear you are having fun already :) have a good independance day :) and try and meet a movie star at the dinner place tonight, i know you will lol... miss you