I still can't think straight from all that stuff I learnt yesterday at the mcwane science centre. It is three floors of science. I was bouncing off the walls with excitement.
First we went to the mega marble run which had 4 different tracks. I must have watched it for 15 minutes. Mum says it was more like half an hour. The balls followed huge long tracks and at the end they hit levers that made different chimes. It was mesmerising.
My other favourite things were:
the wind tunnel where mums design and my design were basically having an air battle! My first design flew up and out of the tunnel first try. Mums spun like a tornado. Dad’s got stuck on top of the wall. Basically our family aced that challenge.
The Air pressure rockets were cool and loud. You pumped the air in until it reached a high pressure, then you pressed a button to release the air so the plastic bottle rockets raced up a tube. The max was 35 psi (I did that and it was loud). I discovered that the minimum pressure to get them to fly was 18psi.
Watching the alligator snapping turtle try to trick fish. It didn't go too well for the turtle but went well for the fish. He just sat there with his mouth wide open and his tongue waggled like a tiny fish, and waited for fish to swim in. The fish swam up to have a look, but didn't fall for the sneaky trick. We met a man who said he found one in his yard, and it attacked him and his dog!
Making smoke signals was really cool! I pressed down on a bar with different pressure to make big or small puffs. It was very addicting.
In the Mind power battle I was beaten thoroughly. You had to use thinking power to move a ball along a tube. The brain activity measuring screen showed that my brain was super busy having lots of thoughts, but to win this challenge you had to be very focused on just moving the ball and nothing else. I did have a big brain stand off with mum though, where the ball hardly moved! Now I know how this works I could do it better.
There was way more stuff too. It was a very cool science museum.
On the way home the phone started honking again…another weather alert! This time it was for flash flooding. The rain was so heavy that heaps of cars ended up going off the road and into ditches. We were all glad when we finally made it home safely.
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