Back in Fremantle for our last day in the West. Have returned safely from the 3 weeks in the van ( only managing to almost kill 1 emu) which, even though there were so many things wrong with it we managed to get a 2 day refund, we did become rather attached to by the end. We have decided to move alongg and are flying to Cairns for some sunshine and having rented, we've decided to actually buy a first home.....on wheels. The original plan was to go via Ayres rock, but looking at costs and practicality etc, we are goingt to loop that way at the end of the trip when we are in the South East.
So the 3 weeks in the van were greatt. When we put some pictures up it'll make more sense and i can't remember everything we did.
Went up to Shark Bay first and got up at 7am in the pouring rain to stand in the sea and have a big family of maybe 10 dolphins come and swim right up to you. Stayed in lots of lovely national parks, and made fires in the woods to cook lots of kangaroo burgers on. Ate like royalty on our little stove! Lots of driving, amd ready to stay in places a little bit longer than a few hours! After Monkey Mia and seeing the stromatolites and shell beach (whole beach made of shells, obviously). Went back down South again and via Margarent river down the south west coastline.
Did some wine tasting, looked at all sorts of beautful countryside. Stayed in national parks with the biggest trees we've ever seen ( second bighgest in the world i think). Did some walking, kayaking and clinbed some mountains. Scrabbled up one rather scary mountain but it was so worth it at the top.Went to swee the GLoucester tree, which is huggggeee, and did the treetop walk, where you walk on a ramp 40metres above the ground so you are literally in the tops of the trees. I however didn't do so well on that one, turns out i'm not so good with heights... especially when you can see through the ramp the 40m drop to the ground! Climbed up the tallest lighthouse on australias mainland and learned lots about ships and shipwrecks. Went to the far South west coast where the Indian Ocean meets the southern ocean, creating some huge waves!
Went to the stirling range mountains and did some more walking. Looked at some gallery installations on convicts and learned lots about australian history and nature. My head feels like its going to explode with everything that we've learned and seen. Louis obviously takes it all in his stride and sucks up the information like a sponge..!
On to some sunshine!!!
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