Arrived in Kuala Lumpur, quite a culture shock!
All those old western men with young girls! YUK
I've now really settled into Asia and having a really good time! its monsoon season in this part of Asia but when it does rain its lovely and really cools things down. the people here are really friendly and all speak English so its really easy to chat to the locals.
South East Asia is a pretty tiny pace compared to some of the places I've been to on this trip, looking at the map the whole of SE Asia is about the same size as Colombia and Ecuador so its really easy to get from place to place, because of that (and probably the fact that its so cheap) there is a really high proportion of travelers here and its really easy to meet new people and make new friends :-)
I really need to get some pictures uploaded onto this site, but In Asia finding decent computers is tough going! so I'll have to focus more on writing stuff down!
Well since arriving in KL (no one calls it Kulala Lumpur!) I've stayed in a would be prison, all grey walls and metal bars on the windows but at 2 pounds a night but was the only thing available! and then moved to a top class joint for a fiver a night which was voted the best hostel in Asia, and is WAS! it was lovely!! from there I've had some amazing nights out in KL, despite the fact its a Muslim country and that drink is not allowed, you can find it in some bars and when you do...people certainly know how to have a good time, in true Louise stylee, it was usually 2 drinks worth and I was dancing on the stage with the lady boys! and a series of "ladies of the night" followed by an 60p gorgeous curry at 4am an brilliant fun!! My other fabby Asian discovery is Chinese massage parlours! now of course there are the dodgy joints that Asia is renowned for but the real thing is fantastic! and just the thing to do at 3 am when you've just got in from a a night out podium dancing with the locals!
In my time in Kl I met some lovely people and managed to see pretty much all the KL has to offer including the famous Petronas towers (twin towers), lots of Chinese temples wild monkeys in the streets
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