Arrived in Singapore late last night ....I'm now in ASIA!!!! YAY!! I'm VERY excited
I've already seen my first Buddist monk !
I'm for the final leg of this amazing trip! (I'm already preparing for the next one!)
Well so far Singapore gets the thumbs up!
This place is a great introduction into Asia as everyone speaks English here and there is almost no crime! Today I was adopted by a nice Singaporean who has been living in Yorkshire for the past 4 years and have been doing what a girl does best when she is in Asia YUP! shopping!! although part of that was in a giant electronics mall checking out all the new fangled gadgets along with some more Buddist monks! After that I spent the day in the Chinese Quarter taking in the sights and sights (and there are loads).
Singapore is about 70% Chinese so their second language is Manderin and everyone is gearing up for Chinese New Year which is in just over a week. It's HUGE here (New Year that is, not Singapore!!), its still only January and New Year is Feb the 7th, yet everyone is in a shopping frenzy and there are float and banners all over the place. As well as queues of people next to the newly posted Chinese New year predictions (rat, cow horse etc) I read mine and well I better tighten my belt financially, but one look at my bank statement could have told me that - ouch!!!
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