Hello from New South Wales!
Didn't wanna leave Queensland, loved it lol! Now in NSW, there's been a time difference so pretty much now when you're in bed I'm awake! You're 11 hours behind at home!
Left Surfers Paradise on Wednes, and arrived here. As soon as I got off the coach I was offered weed by a big group of hippies! Love it here (not cos of weed lol), it's really chilled out - full of hippies and surfers and stuff!
Gorgeous beaches - was sitting on the beach today and could see loads of dolphins jumping about just off shore! Went up to the lighthouse on Byron heads on Friday. It rained! it was a long walk up, but nice up there! Australia's easternmost point!
Then yesterday went to a little outback town called Nimbin - famous for weed, all sorts of drugs and hippies. It was a bit surreal! Got the "happy coach" out there, with some Bob Marley tunes, went via a big canyon/national park waterfall which was loverly jubbley. Then got to Nimbin for a couple of hours before dirving back. The town is one street and actually looks like it's got left in the 60s. There were just loads of old hippies living there who had obviously been there since the 60s!
That was pretty cool. Weird, but cool!
Then today done a scuba dive and saw my first sharks! Not that amazing though, because they were asleep! And not typical sharks, they are like flat looking sand coiloured things - the most harmless type of shark ever (and I forgot what they're called) but saw lots of stingrays and cool fish too. LOADS of sea urchins, and just cool stuff!
Am nackered today though now, really really tired! Got a day off tomoro chilling out - might hire out the free body boards and go to the beach to practice in the waves before my surfing lesson on Tuesday! Met some cool people heree, everyones really nice and the hostel is really social, but chilled out too!
Then Wednes I go to Coffs Harbour and stay there for a couple of days before I head to Sydney,
Managed to get a room in Sydney! SOOOO happy! Was starting to stress. I got hassled by a woman outside a travel agency (and I really didin't wanna talk to her!(, but she said she could sort me a room in Sydney. so I'm in the centre of town for 37 a night (about 17 quid!) even for NYE (all the others I looked at were like 200 dollars PLUS for that one night!). Got Xmas dinner sorted with Sophie from OzIntro at her place, then hit Bondi beach! SOOO relieved and actually looking forward to Christmas now!
Then in the New year, gonna fly to melbourne and stay in Bugzy's home town, cos he can get me a job. So work there for 2 months or so, and meet Alice (hopefully) in Melbourne when she lands in MArch then carry on travels! Wooooooo!xx
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