Thats a bummer that you got nothing. Would it be possible to get a visa from Ireland to go to vietnam? I wouldn,t be too anxious to post the passport anywhere. Maybe I could ring someone here for you?
Margaret Mcd
Hope the call came for you Lorraine. Will you miss all the door knocking ? Hope not!! No real news here except that I haven't really got back on track since my over indulgence at Easter. To make matters worse I got a wedding invitation for May 11th. I hate being fat-it has ruined my life. I would love to be going to this particular wedding if I had something nice to wear that I felt well in.
Mam and dad are coming to Glenmore for the May bank holiday weekend and we are going to Sharon Shannon so I am really looking forward to that.
Claire and Dave are going on a cruise that weekend so it will be nice to have people around.
Stuart is supposed to be studying for his repeats but we will see how all of that works out in due course. He is a lost soul.
No more news for now. Talk soon
I hope you get a call if you are going to get up at six waiting for it. If you dont can you ring doug or Chloe to do the other job? No sca here. Just home from work. Tired and not planning a lot for the evening.
you are fairly slipping with that blog. Must be old age! Best of luck with interview tomorrow.
Put it in the blog tomorrow how you get on.
I told Chloe on Monday that I was leaving and she was grand about it. She seemed to think it was possible to do part time work but I don't know if I want to as this product isn't as cheap as the last one. Ill see anyway. Laura text yesterday to say I had post so it must be the anthisan
Ya theres always something but wouldn,t life be very boring if there wasn't. Have you told anyone yet about leaving or asked about the part time work? Hopeully next week you will get back to the classroom. Any word from Petrina? Is she back in Australia yet? Any sign of the Anthisan cream?
It must be a good sign if you haven't the time to write the blog. Hope you are having a bit of craic with the girls in the room. I,m beginning to recover after that email yesterday! It really took the talk of me.
No news here really. Alls quiet after everyone going back after the weekend. Otherwise its just work and no play!
well thereasa, home in corofin here with shaun, down for nanas months mind!! no craic tho, last few days of holidays, enjoyin d spring sun in corofin!! sounds like u hav it bit borin over der, but sure it'll cum good soon enough, stick wit it!!! we'll try skype tomoro morn maybe?? just txt us!!
Well lady its great to have the date set for home. We are all looking forward to it. You have a lot of ground to cover before that though.
Did you give your notice of leaving yet to your manager. Just when ye are all flash with ipads!
Hope ye get a few dollars for this week. I,m glad you have those girls to go to stuff in the hostel with.
No news here really. Working away. Your Dad went mad with a chainsaw yesterday cutting the tops of the trees at the end of the garden. He's fairly dangerous when let loose with a weapon like that. He's stiff today. Climbing ladders musn,t be good for elite athelets! Take care and keep safe. Mam and Dad
Mary C
Yipee!!, I'll be looking forward to the 28th.July.
Great to know we are counting the weeks until you are back - 16 weeks from next Sunday!
Margaret Mcd
Happy days !!! At last we have a return date for you. There will be great excitement that morning. The hostel seems to be working out ok for you which is good.
I came back from Corofin last night after spending a very enjoyable two nights there. Back to work for me tomorrow. Need to get back on track food wise. While I dadn't have an awful lot of anything I had a little of everything so I know things are not good this week. Didn't have a weigh in as I had booked a Slimming World holiday in case I wouldn't come back till this evening. Hope I will be able to start again in the morning!!!
Shell and Shaun are going to Corofin for Nana's months mind Mass this weekend so mam is looking forward to that. She will be delighted to have you back.
Sarah is gone to Berlin for two weeks training Engish speaking Germans but Mark is going over at the weekend. She is quite settled in Dundalk.
met Shell for lunch last saturday and she is in graet form and looked amazing after doing a week on the juice diet.
No more news for now so I'll finish in case this disappears on me. Talk soon
Good that you have someone to chat with in the evenings now. Hopefully the sales will be up!
I was back to work in the Breast unit today so I am home early. Margaret is going home this evening. So all back to reality. We should have shell and Shaun next weekend and maybe Noreen for the months mind Mass on Saturday. No other news. Chat soon. Take care. Mam.