You forgot to tell me that you got your passport and visa. Thats great. I,m delighted you have it back. Have a good week! Will Galway bate Mayo?? Come on Galway!
Mary C
Hi Lorraine! Had a great read this morning-I had two blogs to read. When I was reading yesterdays, I was saying to myself-'Mother of God"-out around the streets on your own at 4am in the morning! Anyway, it was great that you had a good night out- sometimes the unplanned ones are the best of all. Not much news from here: We're all T.P'd out but he has just 5 days left now, so we'll survive. He was delighted with the skype and he thought it was a real success- the kids were really interested in it. He was just sorry that an inspector did n't come for that lesson.! Tom had Communion yesterday- he had the communicants this year. It went fine but the priest mentioned from the altar that it was Tom's 1st. and last Communion-lovely, lovely! Friday was the closing date for applications for his post. He said there were 18 envelopes eventually even though they were very slow coming in. I think the Board of Management are meeting Monday night to decide on the candidates for interview. It should be all done and dusted before the hols even though his finishing date is the 31st.Aug.
Fr. Pat arranged Muirean's communion for the 1st. June at a request from one of the parents.-She is not happy-a bank hol w\end.
She is in sligo for the w\end. We can't wait for you to arrive home: I might have to take a few days hols as I'm sure you will be talking 10 to the Dozen for a few days with all you will have to tell us! I'll sign off for now: keep the blogs coming- its a great way of keeping in touch with what you are doing. Its the 1st. thing I do every morning: check the blog!
Margaret Mcd
Great to hear that your little sister was able to help you out financially. Isn't she very good?
No great news. Claire is gone over to see Gráinne this weekend while Dave is gone to a stag in Edinburgh. Stuart supposedly did two exams during the week and has another one
next Tuesday. Aiden is waiting on the computer so I will sign off. Talk soon
Good the skype went well. Ya this work lark is a bit annoying whoever invented it! Won,t it be great when you are back to your usual routine in Westmeath though! Enjoy your last few weeks.
Those Cahergal children will be on the ball! Mrs Flynn will have them well tutored! Be ready for lots of questions.
Sounds promising for the weeks work. Good that you got the flight booked last night. At least now you have a plan of action! No news here. Met the Aunties and Muir and Emma last night in Sallys. They all in good form. Emma getting ready for 1st communion. Like a Novembers day here today so you are not missing our summer or anything. We will have all the sunshine in August hopefully!
I wonder what a massage writer would do!!
Margaret Mcd
That was meant to be Message writers !!!
Margaret Mcd
Hi Lorraine,
All the massage writers are getting lazy including myself!!
Really enjoyed last weekend with the folks. Am going to a local wedding on Saturday-a guy who works with me. We are all going without partners so it should be good crack. As usual I would be looking forward to it much more if I had something nice to wear that I felt well in but that's the bloody story of my life. I have been really messing with my weight since Easter. At this point I am 4lbs heavier than I was before Easter. How sad is that?
Claire and dDave are away on a cruise at the moment. Jenny hasn't time to socialise as she is training very hard with a touch rugby team. Stuart is trying to be studying for exams he should have passed last year!!! Nothing new there.
Nothing else for now really. Hope your cold didn't develop. Really looking forward to seeing you soon. Will be in touch again soon
Good that the agency keep txting anyway. Hopefully now that your cold wont develop. Take the lemsip again tomorrow. We are all glad its Friday. Shell and Shaun are coming down tomorrow evening for Sheila Fitz wedding on Saturday.
You sure do have a lot of planning to do. Will that coast of Australia be the same as places you have been already? Fiji sposed to be fab too! Enjoy the battle in your head!! Chat at the weekend.
I never got the ones I was expecting in Mountbellew so ye might be alright!
Well Lorraine got back safe and sound from the Cooley visit. All went well. We possibly got two penalty points in Mountbellew on the way home. Dad bananas. Plenty of flowery language! Back to work and normality tomorrow.