Day 7: 7/7/12
Had a lazy morning this morning as we had no trip to get up for. After skyping home we got up for checkout at 11.30.
Went for breakast in the restaurant we ate in the night before- la encantada. Yummy omelette! The waitress was very friendly and delighted to see us back!!
We had a look in some of the shops then and poked around the town. We sat in the square for a while and it was really sunny and hot. We saw a rita leonard look alike (Muireann filled me in on her!)- the nazca version- long skirt, woolly tights, cardigan, big sun hat and hair tied in plaits behind. Of course wearing white runners. It seemed to be the style for the auld ones!! So after a while we went to another restaurant to get a drink. This one wasn't as nice- flies everywhere!! Lots of families eating in the restaurant today, sharing all the food.
We went back to the hostel for a few hours. I read a book. Muireann even began to read a book too!! Then we went for another walk around the town and had dinner in el puntero- another lovely restaurant!
We're killed out sitting in restaurants!!
Spent another hour in the hostel- there isn't really much to do in nasca when you're completely free all day!
Then it was time to get ready for the bus so I got my bags to get some stuff out. But two of the locks on my rucksack wouldn't open. The owners spotted us and tried to help. The man spent ages at them and he got one open. I got what I needed for the bus but I had my hand luggage tied onto the rucksack with the other lock. (thought i was smart, didny I!!) I was afraid they wouldnt take the bag on the bus with the other one hanging off it, but they did. So I have to spend tomorrow trying to open it. I didn't know that when you press it down you could change the code. I thought the code that was set was all there was. So I must have changed it unknown to myself and now I have to try all possible combinations and hope for the best- the probability is not good!
Anyway, we got what we needed for the bus and went on it. There were people behind us rasping with food wrappers- we had that in the last bus too so we werent impressed!! They quitened down though, so it was grand!! It was pitch dark outside for most of the journey so I slept thank god. Don't think Muir slept much. Tummy was playing up- he was "in a hape!!" At the start of these bus journeys they explain that you can only use the toilets for urine. After finally getting the sweats she decided to eake up the bus attendant. He just told her the toilets were downstairs (he was half asleep!). Then she said I need the TOILET, I'M SICK. NO URINE. He replied- you have other things? When
Muir nodded he said uno momento snd headed off! He called her downstairs a few minutes later. I was watching all this and presumed they were going to stop the bus, even though the driver wasnt slowing down too much!! However what actually happened was that he gave her a black refuse sack which he told her to use, clean up and fire out to the highway!! God help the car behind!! Muir wants this erased from her memory!!
At the moment we are driving round cliffs and mountains, passing little towns now and again. Most of it still deserty looking- kind of red sand, but now and again there are spots of greenery. Near us we can see mountains with snow on top of them! It's a really busy road, lorries everywhere! Well soon be in Arequipa I think.
- comments
mam maybe Muireann needs this erased from the blog as well as her memory!