Hey guys!!
Ok so we arrived in New Zealand about 2pm and it was cold!!! We checked into our hostel and then we took a trip to find a supermarket and to try to find a phone box! we had lots off issues with the old phone box and then we aske this old man and bless him he let us use his phone. He was so trusty bless him he left us with his phone while he went to his car quite away away! so first impressions of NZ people is good! We were starving as well as we hadent eaten since that morning so we took a trip to burger king!!:-) Then we chilled out that night and met a nice couple in our room.
The following day we caught the bus to Kaikoura. We didnt really do much here just chilled out watched some films and went to a seal colony. Then later on we went to do a pub quiz at the local pub and the old man who was helping with the quiz kep telling us all the answers!!fun days!! there were also 3 girls with us who were quite immature, they kept pretending they were drunk when they had had like a sip of vodka!!yup it made me feel old!!hehe
We then made tracks the next day and arrived at Nelson at about 2pm. Me, Chanel, Rachel and Lee all went on a trip around the little town. Then we headed back to the hostel and did some beer tasting!!:-) Then later on we chilled out and watched Wimbledon and we were all laughing as they were saying that people were passing out due to the heat!! crazy stuff!!whilst we were freezing our bums off!! The following day we went around the town again and uploaded pics and the electricity went off was well annnoying!! and once again we chilled out!! The following day we took a walk to the centre point of NZ apparently (not to sure how they work that out!) so had a nice trek up a big hill and then we went around 4 different supermarkets trying to get the best deals!! At one of them though this women asked to check our reciept for our bag as she obviously thought that we had been stealing!!although what we had was soup, beans and potatoes!So i think if we had off been stealing i wold have preferred to go for the meat option!!
The next day we headed to Westport. On the way down there we stopped at Lake Nelson and some of the boys jumped into the lake, they must have been mental as it was absolutley freezing!! think they may have regretted it after!! Then we headed onto Westport and I went jet boating was fun but freezing once again and we were wearing some very cool accessories!! check out the sexy pics!! That night we just chilled and played monoply (although it was the strangest game of monoply with money from all different eras!) Then we also played pictionary!
The following day we left Westport and headed to Lake Mahinapua. On the way down we stopped for a 40 min walk around the coast and saw another seal colony. Then we got back on the bus and stopped at this place where they have rocks like pancakes was wierd and they didnt really look like pancakes to be honest! Then we stopped in Greymouth to get our fancy dress outfits for the Poo pub party! The theme was Anything but clothes!!Me and rach decided to dress up as a dice so got a box and slung that over us! it took ages too make though!!The party was alright but not amazing and i was really tired so headed off to bed about half midnight!
The next morning me and Rach took a walk down to Lake Mahinapua as she thought this one was the lake which you could see the reflections of Mt Cook in it but we were wrong, but was still pretty! Then we stopped at a place called Bushmans for breakfast and the cafe was only about possumsand deer hunting. Was quite wierd and freezing in there! Then we got back on the bus and headed through to Frans Joseph!
So in frans Joseph we got up to go on the Glacier walk. It took about 1 1/2 hours to get onto the glacier and then we were hiking on it for 6 hrs! It was well cool though as there was loads of arches and tunnels made out of ice which we went through and was actually pretty warm! Was an awesome day anyways!
Then we moved onto Wanaka. On the way down we stopped at Lake Matheson where you can see the reflection of Mt cook and it was amazing! Then on our way down we stopped at a waterfall and then drove on through to Wanaka. We got upgraded to a sanctuary room which was nice got a free towel and shampoo etc, ahh the life of luxury we lead that night!hehe We went down to the bar that night as well and had our free glass of bubbly! The next day we got up and went to Puzzleworld. First we went into the illusion rooms which were cool and then we did the maze and it took us forever to find the green corner, was quite frustrating but we found it in the end!!yippee!! Then we carried on through to Queenstown and watched Rachel and Mary jump of the first ever bungy jump!!It was pretty scary watching it, so there was no way i was doing it! Rach also asked for a water touch but she got dunked in the water and it was freezing!!
So we arrived in Queenstown and over the days we were there we went to Milford Sounds which is apparently like going to Egypt and not seeing the pyrimids!it was pretty cool, and there was an all you can eat buffet so yup we stuffed our faces!!:-) and then we went to an observatory deck and saw lots of fish! We also went skiing at Coronet, the first day we were taking lessons but we went down a slope inbetween our lessons and chanel did a bridget jones impression and went flying down the hill was sooo funny! I didnt fall over once in the two days that we were there which was cool! although i have nice blisters on my legs from ths ski boots they r so tight around your legs!!eekkk!! Also later that night we went and had the world renowned Fergburger its a must if you come to Queenstown!!It was very yummy!! Also that night at about half 9 the whole building started shaking, yup we were experiencing an Earthquake!! It measured at around 7.6 on the rictor scale apparently and was the 2nd largest earthquake in NZ history!!The next day we advanced to the bigger slopes so we took the chair lifts up which was cool and didnt fall off! Quite a few ppl did fall off though, so was quite funny! Whilst we were in Queenstown we also had a nice free day and played frisbee with the lads, and went looking for a place called Williams cottage which no one had ever heard off, so yup very famous indeed!! We did eventually find it though, it has now been turned into a cafe! We also did a pub quiz and did pretty dismal at it, but the questions were super hard!! We came 2nd to last, oh yeea!!hehe
Oh yea and now i am totally upto date after this little marathon on my blog!! so until next time bye!! and love yas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So we then headed to Lake Tekapo! It was pretty amazing there, just like the rest of the south island! So we went for a few walks around the town and then later on we went to meet one of our mates we had been travelling with as two of the people she had been living with in Christchurch had rented out an apartment. So we went for dinner and it was amazing!! We had like a 3 course meal so got properly fed and wined and dined! We also watched the kiwi and oz rugby match was cool, kiwi played awful but amazingly hey won!! The next day we did a few more walks and chilled out and then the final day we walked up Mt John. It was a wee bit of a trek and was really icy!On the way down it was literally an ice rink, and wearing my trainers that now have no grip was not fun! I only managed to fall over twice and didn't break any bones which was good!!
Next we headed back to where we started Christchurch. On the way down our bus broke down though so we got delayed by about an hour half so didn't arrive into christchurch until 6.45pm. So we rushed around and headed down to the church where Rachel had been working (the girl who had been travelling with us) and there was an arts gallery that had its opening. We stayed and chatted to all the people she knew it was a good night. The next day we went to her familys house for dinner and lots and lots of puddings was yummy!! Yup am enjoying the lovely home cooked food being thrown at me!!hehe Whilst in Christchurch we visited the Botanical Gardens, Cathedral, an interactive museum and did some walks around the city. There was also a souvenir shop that we reguarly visited as it had free samples of cookies, although this shop was always dead. So we were going to show our mates i on the way back from a walk and we went there and it had been shut down!!So we think we must have eaten them out of cookies!!hehe We also hitted the nightlife in Christchurch and went to this bar and it had $1 pool very cheap, so played lots off that.
Then we left Christchurch and went to Kaikora again, not much happened here apart from a movie marathon!! love me xxxxxxxx
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