So we then caught the ferry over to Wellington and it wasn't choppy!!whoop!!So no sea sickness!! We also managed to watch Jeremy Kyle, it portrays British people in a very good light for over here!! We then met Tessa and went back to her mums house where we stayed for the first 3 nights. We had Fush n chups as well which were pretty lush and i have not had any since i have been away!! The next day Tessa took us on a drive around Wellington. Firstly we went to Island Bay which is just where her mum lives is lush there. Then we headed upto the wind turbine and got some spectacular views from up there. Tessa was surprised there was no wind too as Wellington is renowned for the wind but we brought the good weather along!! We then went up Mt Victoria and got some cool views from up there. Then we headed to Scortching Bay and had lunch at a well nice cafe looking out at the sea. Then we headed to Oriental Bay which is right near the city centre and had a little walk along the beach. Then we headed to red rocks and got to see lots of seals and did a nice long walk!! Then later on we went to watch Tessa play Basketball which was cool.
The following day me and Chanel went to Te Papa museum which is free and an interactive museum is pretty cool. Although I did reach a point where i was like i can't do this anymore so had to leave and will have to do the rest another day!
The next day we moved to Tessa's dads house and played lots and lots of board games with Jack, don't think I have ever played that many!! Then the followin day we went to a wildlife sanctuary with Tessa's dad, Sally and the kids (was like a proper family day out) was cool, although a bit windy! Then we stopped off at a cafe on the way back and had a Kiwi roast for dinner later was lush!!
Then he following day me and Chanel went into wellington and caught the cable car to the botanical gardens and walked around there and then we walked around town. Then we headed down to the harbour and watched everyone run whilst i was eating sweeties!:-) Then we caught the bus to Island Bay and had a walk around there and we saw a seal just swimming on its own in the water which was pretty cool!! And the weather was lush today, there were lots of ppl on the beach, is crazy to think it is winter!! Oh and we have escaped our third natural disaster as there has been avalanches in the south island and one on the mountain that we were skiing on a couple of weeks ago!!
The following day Tessa's mum took us to the Maori! It was a massive building and we checked all the rooms out was pretty awesome. Then we came back and chilled out and then went with Liz to take Edie to bally lessons. Although it was not very successful as bless Edie she was crying her eyes out and so in the end the dance teacher had to bring her out and so we went back home. Then later we went to watch Tessa play netball!! Then we went to a place called Strawberry Fayre, it does the most amazing puddings and i felt sick after as they were sooooo sickly!! but good!!
Then the following day we went to some shops then checked out Tessa's flat. Then we went to Tessa's mums for dinner was yummy!!! Then the following day we left Wellington and headed upto Lake Taupo! We arrived at about half 1 and i went straight to the skydive centre and got kitted up and i was jumping out of the plane at 15,000ft before i knew it!!It was amazing!!! Was pretty hard to breathe, but i survived!!Then when we got back down to base we watched the DVD's and the girls who worked there said i was lucky my dive master didn't chop our parachute off as it was twisted and get the spare one out!! But no fear we made it down safely!! Then i went for a walk around the Lake it was such a lush day, its really quite hard to believe it is there winter!!
The following day we went on a mamoth walk for 5 hours around the lake at quick speed!! my legs were aching lots when we got back!! and we r planning a 6 hr walk within the next couple of days so should be fun!
hey again, so carried on from lake taupo!!
So the following day we went on a mamoth 16 mile walk to Huka Falls and the dam! Huka falls was a amazing and it gushes through to olympic size swimming pools in one second!!It was pretty fierce!! Wouldn't have liked to be under that!! So when we got back my body was aching a little bit and we walked super fast pace as well!!
The next day we got on the bus to Rotarua on the way up there we stopped at one of the worlds largest mud pools!!Then we arrived in Rotarua and i can't explain the smell to you!!it stinks of egg farts not good!! So we had a walk around some thermal pools and mud pools then chilled at the hostel. Later that night I realised i recognised one of the girls staying there and realised i had trained with her on summer camp in 2007 was pretty crazy!! The following day we had a walk around the lake and went to the Maori church. Then we decided it was time we should relax from our very hectic schedule, so we took a trip to the Polynesian Spa and spent 3 hours going around the different termal pools and overlooking the lake!!Was pure bliss!! Later on that night we all went to the pub, was a good night!
Then we headed on upto Auckland, didn't arrive until late afternoon so didn't really see much and then caught the bus to Whangarei the following day!! We were the only ones on the bus, was a wee bit wierd!On the way up we saw purple sheep!! We arrived in Whangarei and met Chanels 2nd cousin then went back to his house and then i had mussles!!was interesting, not too sure if im that keen on them! Then we went on a drive around Whangarei, went to a view point to overlook the city and to the waterfall. Then that night we went to Mike's club was cool played lots of darts and pool and all the guys kept buying drinks for us!:-)
The following day we went out fishing on Mike's boat and i caught a big snapper!! was awesome!! and we cooked it up and had it for dinner, was very tasty!! Then the next day we went to a place called Abby caves, not really that spectaular and ended up getting very muddy!! Then went out for a roast dinner and we played some more pool!
Thats all for now guys love me xxxxxxxx
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