Hey guys!
Ok so quite a long while since i last updated my blog so here goes.....
OK so after Malaysia we took a trip to Singapore and headed out to the night safari which was pretty amazing!! Then the next day we walked
around the streets and went to the world famous Raffles hotel!!was pretty amazing, it has its own mini shopping centre in there, although no topshops im afraid!!
So then we flew to Australia the following night and when we arrived at the airport we realised our flight time had changed and had been brought forward half an hour!!luckily we were there early!
We then arrived in Cairns and took a trip to the lagoon which was nice and met up with Hels and Taylor and then ended up camping with them was fun! WE also took a trip to the Great barrier reef which was simply amazing!
We saw soo much, we saw sharks and i held a sea cucumber and saw many more things! Also i suffered another draught of sea sickness so i couldnt indulge myself in all the nice food!!I was obviously quite gutted about that!!hehe
On our travels to Magnectic island we went to Josephine falls and saw a massive spider and also went to a croc farm, we held a croc and had a bird on my shoulder and fed a roo!!
Then next we headed to Magnectic Island which was amazing again, reminded me of being back in Thailand! WE chilled out on the beaches and topped up our tanage and then hit the bar at night and it was ladies night so lots of free drinks which always goes down well!!:-)
THen we headed to Townsville and we were going to watch a rugby match, but when we were trying to find out how to get there someone informed it was the next night, so we would have been singing on our own!! So this gave us another opportunity to hit the town!
Although the next day was Anzac day which is something to do with a war involving many Aussie troops that got killed so in memory of them they close the bars down at midnight and the next day have massive parades!!was pretty amazing and there was ppl out drinking from like 6am,
I believe its just an excuse to get drunk!!hehe
So then we moved onto Airlee Beach and we did our whitsundays trip! so we headed to Hook island first and we went on a reef explorer, basically it has a clear glass bottom so you can see all the fish and coral was pretty amazing! Then we went snorkelling
and we saw a turtle was awesome! Then we stopped off at whitehaven beach the sand is so wierd it like farts when u walk on it!!hehe Then we went to Daydream island and just chilled out by the pool! Alos in Airlee beach we chilled out by yet another lagoon!yup it is a very hard life i lead!!:-)
Then we left Airlee beach and headed to an Kroombit which is like in the outback! was well cool, we went on a mechanical bull I was shocking fell off on the first jolt!was very hard!! WE also learnt how to crack the whip, so watch out guys im an expert now! We also did a goat rodeo the next day
so had to chase the goats, was well funny! and then we did some clay pigeon shooting! So now i believe im qualified to live in the outback!!:-)
Then our next stop was Rainbow beach! So this is where we were doing Fraser island from, Rainbow beach is very dull though not a lot to do at all especially when the weather wasn't great! The staff were also very rude at the hostel and everything was taped up in the kitchen saying it wasnt working
but apparently it was! So we headed off to Fraser island, its pretty crazy you just drive on sand. So our first stop was Lake Mackenzie it was a single lane track and proper four wheel driving! and you kept feeling the truck tipping as it is soo top heavy but we made it up there!!the lake was amazing!!
On our way down though we had a little bit off a crash, what can i say though one of the lads was driving!!hehe so we were overtaking a truck but the other one had to go up onto this really sandy bit so we could pass and Dave tried to squeeze through and then we scratched the back of the truck!:-(
So then we headed to our first camp, set up all off our tents and then us girls cooked the first night and then started drinking the lethal goon!! We were all pretty drunk early, getting dark early is decieving!!hehe
The next day we headed to Indian heand and champagne falls! the view was amzing althought the weather was a bit rubbish! Then we headed to the shipwreck which was cool and then to Eli Creek! we had to be at camp by 2pm as the tide was coming in and didnt want to get swept away!
So we set up camp and the land built a big rain shelter which they were pretty impressed with! and then Dave was just digging holes and both laura and lola fell down it was well funny!
Then the next day we headed to Lake wobby! we were a bit late getting up so was rushing a bit, was an amazing lake again there was meant to be fish in there to bite off your hard skin but didnt really work! Then we had to get to the ferry by half 12 we were proper rushing and literally juct
made it one of the trucks missed it though!was pretty funny!
So then we headed to Noosa, it is really nice is quite a holiday town. So the second day we took around the national park and we saw two Koalas and a Python!not bad going hey!!i steered well clear of the python though! Then we went to Moololaba another holiday town. Was really nice here
we hired bikes out and had a ride around the town and then had a game of beer pong later on!whoop! Then the next day we headed to Australia Zoo was well good. First we saw the tortoise's being fed they are huge and can live upto 250 yrs!!crazy!! then we went to feed the elephants was good!
then we wenbt to watch one of their shows, firstly they did a parade of the snakes then they did a bird show. THis lady who was training her birds had an attepmt at making her birds to fly to some ppl in the crowd although it did not exactly happen and they flew off and about 5 mins later you saw her running through with her cage still trying to catch the
birds!!was well funny! we also listended to a talk on koalas and watched the tigers exercising in the pool! was well cute! Then later on when we got back we headed out with the ppl from the hostel was a good night out and free entry!:-)
Then we arrived in Brisbane and decided to stay in a hostel which was recommended to us by some ppl we met!!so we booked in for one night!we went tot he room and it was a dump u could not see the floor and then went in the kitchen and saw a nice cockroach! so decided that we needed to make a
swift exit so booked in to a new one for the next two nights and the next morning we had another wee surprise a nice little mouse in someones food bag!:-) nice huh!!the life of luxury we lead!!
So that is pretty much updated now!! so until next time chow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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