Hey guys!!
Ok so it has been a while since i last wrote on this so i will have to try and remember everything!!
Ok so here goes.......
We eventually made it out of Byron Bay and took the two day trip down to Sydney, we weren't able to go to Surf camp due to the roads being blocked so we had to go inland and head down to sydney that way!! We stayed in a randam town, although we did get a room for just the two off us which was such a treat!! We then got up early again the next day and headed down to Sydney, on the way down we stopped at a service station too grab something too eat and then we drove off. The bus driver then got a phone call saying we had left someone at the service station, which was quite funny so we had to trek back to collect him! We then arrived into Sydney about 5pm and made our way to our hostel, with another guy of the oz experience bus! We then met the people in our room 3 scottish guys and a german guy wo were all sound. We all headed off out that night, and went to World Bar which was awesome! Then the next couple of days we had a walk down to the Opera house and the harbour bridge and then we were trying to sort out deals for Blue mountains and Hunter Valley before Rach arrived. So we went out the night before Rach got here and we set Chanels alarm (but her phone is currently set in english time) and we managed to mess up the alarm so I didnt make it to the airport to pick rach up!!Sorryyyy!!hehe So Rach got here and then we went out booked our trips and took a walk into the city, and we just chilled out that night to let rach get over her jetlag! Then the next day a whole herd off us went to Bondi Beach, When we go there it started to pee it down so all the lads ran for shelter!!whimps hey!! and then they decided to go back and me, chanel and rach went on a walk around Bondi and the sun started to shine!!yippee!! Then we headed back to the hostel and got ready for my night out, we all played loads of drinking games and then headed to the Gaff, it was a well good night and i was just a wee bit drunk!!:-)
So now its my birthday and i opened my pressies and my cards, then we headed to the sydney tower and we had a roast dinner up there was lush!! and had a 3 course meal, never been fed so well!!so was stuffing my face and drinking as much diet coke as poss!!The tower moved round all the time so you got to see all off the city, so was pretty cool!! then we went back to the hostel and chilled out again!! The next day we headed to the Olympic Park and saw all the stadiums where the olympics was held. There was some school children in one of the stadiums having a competition so we sat and watched that for a bit. Then later on me and Rach did the climb off our lifes, that being the Sydney Harbour Bridge! It was aweosme we went up around 4pm so we got to see the city in daylight and in darkness!!The opera house was all lit up as well in different colours was cool!! And was not half as scary as i imagined it to be!
So on the Tuesday we went and just had a walk around the city and went to see the opera house and the bridge and then just chilled out for the rest off the day!!and then we went and got a huge pizza, garlic bread and chips!!yum yum!!
On wednesday we had a nice early start as we had to walk into the city at about 7am as we were heading to the Blue mountains!!So we got on the bus and stopped at a little cafe along the way and then we arrived at one of the national parks and saw some kangaroos and then we headed off to another national park and had a trek around that, when we first arrived the views weren't great as the clouds were really low!!but then they lifted ansd they were amazing, it is like the Gran Canyon but green!! had some nice little walks around there. Then we headed off to wehere the 3 sisters are and had a trek around there and then we went on the scenic railway and it is the steepest railway in the world apparently, was a little bit hairy! Then we went to our hostel, it was a YHA and really nice!! it had an oven, so we decided to cook wedges and burgers!!:-) Then the next day we got up and had another trek around the Blue mountains and wow there were soo many stairs!! like thousands so we were ultra fit by the end off it!!Although half way we realised we were going the wrong way and we werent too sure if we would have enough time to get back for the bus, but we took the gamble and made it back in plenty of time! So then we got back on the bus and headed back to Sydney! And we went out that night, think it may have been Empire but cant remember.
So Friday we had a walk around darling harbour and walked all the way across the bridge, i think!! and cant really remember what else we did that day! I believe on Saturday we may have taken a rip to Manly beach, and it was pretty warm so me and rach we there stretched oput trying to top up my tan!!there was quite a lot off seaweed on the beach, and not as nice as Bondi!!There was also a wine festival going on, so we had a little nosey around that!!
On Sunday we went off to Hunters Valley! We were all quite hungover from the night before and maybe a little drunk still!so first we went to a national park and had a little walk around that and then we went to 3 different wineries. The first one was run by a couple and they started it out just as a hobby and then we had the most amazing sandwich from there, was yum!! then we went to another two wineries and tasted lots more wine there, was lots off fun as u can imagine! So by the end of the day we went back to the hostel and chilled out that night, and caught up on a little bit off sleep!!
On the Monday we went and sunbathed in the Botanical gardens. Then me and Rach headed up the pylon and took some more pictures off the Opera house! Then we walked back to the hostel and got ourselves ready for Mad Monday! So we all went on the bar crawl and started off in O'Malleys and then we decided to go back to the hostel to get some more goon down us!Then we headed off to empire to meet everyone was an awesome night!
On the Tuesday we went to Taronga Zoo! We were the only idiots wearing shorts and it was freezing!! so we were shivering all day!! When we got there we were told that the seal show had been cancelled which we were all pretty gutted about especially rachy! So we walked around the zoo and watched a bird show which was quite funny and then we were sitting on all the statues of any animal and having our photos taken! We then caught the ferry back and had fajitas was sooo yummy!!
On Wednesday rachy left us was a wee bit emotional and so we just chilled out today after a tiring two weeks off being proper tourists!! wWe then headed out again later that night and ahd to get a wee bit drunk to drown my sorrows as rach had left us!! Well thats my excuse anyway!!:-)
On the Thursday we took at trip to Paddys market with Al, johnny and Mark and had a wee walk around there. Then later on that night we went to a pub quiz with Aiden, Mark, johnny and al and we only went and won!!whoop!! well it was actualy a tie breaker and we sent aiden up for tie breaker question and it was how many islands there were in fiji she read out aidens answer first of 64 and we were like noooooo and the other guy only said 8 so we weren victorious!!yippeee!! so we won a $100 bar tab happy days!! and chanel also won a camper that night so was a pretty good night!! although things turned once we got back to the hostel as i was a wee bit giddy and not drunk at all and i went to the loo to get changed into my pjs and only managed to drop my phone down the toilet!!so yea that was a wee bit broken!!
The following day we didnt do much we took another trip to paddys market and then at night we went to drink our winnings at the bar we won the quiz at and then went out later that night and me and al and mark was sitting down and this girl spewed over us nice hey!! it stunk as u can imagine so i stripped my tights off and the other guys went back to the hostel to change!
Generally after that until we left sydney we didnt get upto much we did take a family outing down to the harbour and saw the opera house and bridge lit up and then we went to a well posh bar and had a civilised drink! And generally after that we just went out and then lazed around in the day!!on our final night though we all went out for a meal at a thai restaurant was well nice and a good ending for the last 3 weeks!!! xxxxxxxxxx
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