Hey peeps, lauren again here....tilly tried to write a blog yesterday (which may i add was very funny and she wrote looooads) but for some reason when she tried to post it didnt work. so im going to try today!
had an eventful and yet not eventful trip to the lil island of nusa lembongan and now back in our luxurious hotel. we got a private speed boat to the island...(gotta do it style!).....and we're nearly sick because of the amount of huge waves we hit, quite amusing really. and then when we arrived we trekked across a beach in search of somewhere to stay, we ended up in a hut! HA! no im serious! a very nice hut tho, it had a bed and lots of white floaty material and a little cornered off area with a toilet and a bloody cold shower (of whichi made the HUGE mistake of using because not only did it give me a huge headache because of the sub zero temperature but also all the locals could see me but naked!)
whilst we were there we both had amazing full body massages that seemed to last forever and they only cost a fiver would you believe! and she came to our hut to do it! great! we chilled and sunbathed and went for walks and found a gorgeous lil beach, it was a good day.
our journey back to bali then the next day started at 7am! oh my goodness, i was not in a good state at that time in the morning as u can imagine but 2 weeks in and i already dont care! lol the boat home was a public boat with cockerals in cages and all sorts.....and a VERY fit surfer guy lol. when the boat pulled up to bali it got so close to the shore and then the 'captain' said something and everyone started jumping out! so theres me and til with our rucksacks, trainers and hand luggage looking down at this (black) water thinkin ok we have to jump off into that, not good! till managed to get someone to take her bags for her but i was not so lucky and just had to jump for it! luckily the water only reached mid thigh so it wasnt too bad but it certainly wasnt a time where i felt my most elegant!
anyway back in our safe cushy paradise so all is a bit boring now in comparison, but i will update again soon! missin u all, take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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