So now we are in Jaisalmer, the Golden City (have you spotted a theme) which is out in the Thar Desert about 150 km from the Pakistan border. The whole town is built of sandstone (hence the name) and as a result its biggest attraction, the fort, is under threat of collapsing. This is worsened by the fact that unlike the other forts we have visited this is a living fort and is full of hotels, houses, restaurants and internet cafes (where we are now) which all produce more water than the fort was built to handle 850 years ago.
The drive to Jaisalmer was great (but very hot) as it was through the desert. As well as eagles which we are now seeing regularly flying or perched a few metres away we also saw a vulture which was pretty cool. On the way through we stopped for lunch at Pokaran which is home to India's controversial Nuclear Testing Facility and hundreds of army camps.
We spent last night in the desert in a little mud hut which was fabulous. We also saw both sunset and sunrise atop a camel on the sand dunes. Gareth's camel was the more chatty of the pair and also the most tempremental but the whole thing was great fun...even the trotting (which is why God invented the sports bra).
And on that note we are off to face the heat (about 38C last time we checked) and prepare ourselves for tomorrows visit to the rat temple (there is nothing cryptic in the really is full of rats).
So take care for now and hope you have all had a nice long weekend.
Lots of love
Laura and Gareth
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