Yesterday dubai today abu dabi!
47 degrees was the highest the car read today! The radio said it was 42degrees today...all i know is that it was teh hottest ive ever experienced! This morning i was at the heritage village in abu dahbi a small area set up to show what the original buildings, farming, houses etc were like. The museum should traditional clothes, weapons, tools, armour, money, materials used etc. A small place but very interesting to see the styles of houses and there equivalent to air conditioning. The sight of a camel also... there teeth are much bigger than i thought they were!
I also had my feet in the sea.... for once not frozen by the north sea at home or new zealand waters also. The arabian gulf prooving to be a very nice temperature. Even walking around for half an hour the heat really gets to you, back into a more comfortable air conditioned car! The buildings in abu dahbi catch the eye just like in dubai. Seeing the marina mall with a large tower like structure you can go up in the iift and get views of this area, seeing where they have extended the land out at sea, the posh houses with there boats and there beaches. The emerites palaces witch is a huge hotel with its own praviate beach, directly below us areas under contrucion more hotels due to pop up all over the place. The buildings that are the equivalent to telecom with a random giant golf ball at the top of them! The thinsg you see hear, along with the fact at petrol stations you dont need to get out yor car there are people to do it for you, at certin shops you can just pull up beep your horn and someone will come out and you can just tel them what you would like and they will run in and get it for you!It was nice just seeing the different places in the city before going to the public beach.
A public beach.... this was more like a private beach! The white white sand, and warm arabian sea...normally when i go for a swim in the sea 2ominutes or so is al you can manage but hear an hour in the sea as the sun went down. Incredably warm to swim about in and very gentle waves a contrast to swimming in new zealand and ofcourse coming out the water with out a single goose bump and shivering like i do when you come out a loch or sea at home!watching the sun go down through the hazzey sky the full sphere of the sun claer to sea as it dissapeared.
Still hot at 7pm the car reading over 30 still! And no rain the idea of being able to plan a bbq or something outdoors at night without having to worry about the rain canceling things....slightly different to home! however you do have to cope with the extremes of heat and humidity!
Tomorrow, one last day before flying home!
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