Much more my sort of place - is it because they speak English? But just feels more laid back - no locks on the doors, electricity for a limited time, lemurs playing in the tree next to my chalet and the dive master just came up to me and said how about 9.30 for our first easy dive! They mainly attract the South African market hence the English.
I was the only guest all afternoon. I arrived and Isabel greeted me - in her 50s wearing dungarees and asked me if I wanted rum in my welcome cocktail. Well it's Saturday after all so why not! Now it's 10pm and the Air Madagascar flight has arrived straight to Nosy Be with 5 other South Africans. Two couples and a a single guy (but you know why he's on his own - do people say that about me?).
This morning I took a taxi (see photo) to the highest point to see Nosy Be from on high - then relaxed by the pool for an hour (no rain today) before getting the taxi to a beach to rendezvous with the boat to here. Boat arrived right on time, yet again accompanied with pineapples and a live chicken! Love it!!
Went for a swim to cool down in the sea once I arrived. Had to swim out quite far because the water was so warm, it was difficult to cool down. But had a bit of exercise for once. The wired thing is the waiting staff speak to me in English and I keep replying in French - what's going on?
Now sat in the bar drinking rum drinks and enjoying English being spoken around and have paid for wifi so again on line!! All a bit surreal really. Talking to one of the owners about Burma and New Zealand - suddenly the world has opened up again! Realised I prefer the owners to the guests. The Malagasys are lovely as is the South African couple who have been here for years and their son runs the dive school. His girlfriend is lovely and is studying agronomy. There is no menu - everyone eats the same which I really like - shame its not on one big table but I'm so used to eating on my own - just me and my kindle!!
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