I'm sat eating a croissant and drinking tea waiting for my flight to Antsiranana.
Before Dad left we can up with the top 10 memories or sound bites of the trip together - so I thought I'd share them (more to log them for my benefit than necessarily for anyone else to read!)
So in no particular order as they say:
Sound bites of Madagascar
1. The Indri lemurs singing up incredibly close - unfortunately this app doesn't allow video uploading yet so I can't share.
2. Gecko licking a jam spoon - you had to be there and I took a video too!
3. Gendarme (Is that the right spelling - policeman) with his Ak47 slung on the table surprising Dad with the gun and then bringing our beers out to us, when staying in the remote village (didn't dare take a photo of that!).
4.Watching Lemurs so close on the river edge on the canoe trip
5. The severe heat in the west...
6. The Zebu cart ride - our most unsafe form of transport on what could not be even called a dirt road.
7. Very (alive) fresh, tasty food on canoe trip - amazing considering how remote we were.
8. The quality of the guides (Angelo, Jean Claude, Luc)
9. Air Madagascar 737 flight - should have been 1 hour but took 4 due to two additional stops to the south of island - free seating so really a posh taxi brousse.
10. Dad being a Pousse Pousse (rik shaw) driver, especially when he asked for 1 million ariery from the owner who was now a passenger and he laughed so hard and pretended to pay out!
Some other thoughts while I'm waiting for my flight. I'm really enjoying having only 18kg of luggage (well less just had it weighed). Actually seems quite a lot and probably could have bought less with me. But more than enough clothes and of course all my excellent gadgets (iPad, iPhone, power monkey and kindle). It's great not worrying about what to wear, or drying my hair, or wearing make up. Really refreshing to actually enjoy life on relatively little (although I appreciate it is still a huge amount compared to what the Malagasy people have) and I'm not doing it on the complete cheap - mid range hotels and cars and drivers not busses or even taix's yet.
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