Not long... First show goes up on Thursday. Tomorrow is for the last few bits of finishings and some shopping. Tuesday we have a tech rehearsal and then Wednesday is the Dress!! Its all gone so quickly! Can't quite believe it. It has been a bit of a frustrating week but you have to put everything into perspective. That definately happened today after a bit of bad news from home. Life's too short really and you have to make the most of every oppurtunity but keep yourself level headed. Some things really arent the be all and end all are they.
Anyway, some exciting and unusal things have happened the last few days. Friday night saw a photo shoot with the paper. our Stepfor Wives/Backing Vocals had their pics taken in full costume and wigs for a two page spread that is appearing in the paper at on Saturday... very exciting and hopfully can get hold of some of the professional photos for my portfolio. Saturday saw everything just about finished before heading to a full run through of the show. Its sounding and looking great. Shame I don't actually get to see it on stage! I also had an encounter with a Lizard on Saturday Morning. Got into the workroom and started a bit of a tidy up before cracking on with work and saw something odd on one of the wig blocks. Thought a piece of hair had just fallen, but on closer inspection there was a Lizard sitting there hiding underneath the fringe of the wig. then started 10 mins off trying to stop the Lizard hiding in the wig. Evebtually sorted and he hid under the table. I can safely say that is a first for me.
Had this afternoon off. Paper work this morning and sorting out my RSA for the rest of the trip.
Other than that its been work work work. Looking forward to starting back stage stuff.
Would quite like to see a bit more of the cricket mind you. Could be an exciting series, plus would love to have an ashes win as well as the Lions and Murray. Thatd make one happy Brit in Oz!!
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