Its coming to that time of year where we all look to move forward into 2015 and what might lie ahead to greet us.
Since returning from Australia I have had a bit of a rollercoaster ride, some good experience, some not so great. I've missed the contentness I felt while living in the Southern Hemisphere. Yes there were bumpy times but aren'…
- Lizi Wharton
- Last visited:
- Bromley, Uk
So I am off exploring....again....
Back to Oz for me but this time I am off on an advernture and hope to see as much as I can. See the sights, catch up with family and friends and maybe make so new friends on my travels.
The plan is to use this to record what I get to see and do while I'm away from the UK, but also to keep friends and family up to date with what happening (and maybe make people a tini bit jealous).
You Know My Name!! You bet you have some making up to do!
re: out with the old......Dad Go for it Lizi. Loads of piccies please!
re: Brisbane, QueenslandMum Speeling colourblindness seem to be catching!!!
re: Brisbane, QueenslandLorna Sheldon Hi Liz We are all going to be in Sydney 12-17 April 2014. Will you be there then?
re: A busy few months!Mum A camper can? is that a mispell or a comment on your quarters?!
re: Sandgate, QueenslandLizi Lol. Kinda. It's a Mercedes. So am travelling to Gladstone on a Merc! :)
re: Sandgate, QueenslandDad Nice to see it displays your nationality on the side!
re: Sandgate, QueenslandDad You did very well indeed. Have fun. Big hugs.
re: London Heathrow, UK