Right... What have I been up to.
I've finished working on Otello. It was a great learning experience, didn't go as well as I would have hoped. Dressing was good fun and I met some lovely people. :)
Had a by of a health scare in November. Thankfully all in working order but it makes me glad I have the NHS at home. Thank Goodness for Travel Insurance!!
Any who, had a bit of a rest after Otello, I took a weekend trip up to Mount Tambourine and stayed in a Yurt. Was gorgeously peaceful and a great way to relax and unwind. I got to see a koala in the wild too which I was very excited by. Tis all well and good seeing them at the zoo but its far more exciting if they're roaming about free. Well, lazing about in a tree free.
I've been planning and paying for the other parts of my trip, catching up with friends and doing some part time work in the last few weeks.
Off to Uluru for 3 days in January. I go on a full day tour on 10th Jan starting out at 6am and getting back to Alice Springs at 1am! Then flying out to Perth at 9.55am that morning. Sleep may happen but thank goodness for comfy Qantas. I might be able to get a few extra hours in.
I'm very excited about starting my exploring next week although the Cairns trip is going to be a knackering one. Very much looking forward to catch up with the boys and girls in Bowen an catching up on a bit of sleep too I think! Then Christmas!
I still can't quite get used to Christmas and 30 degree heat. It's weird. Christmas is cold and has mulled wine and silly jumpers, sometimes even snow but that's rather rare these days.
I got the silly top covered. I've managed to find a cheesy Christmas singlet. As for snow and mulled wine....both yet to be acquired.
Last subject.... Cricket. My luck couldn't last much longer. Won the lions tour. Won the 1st ashes series, beat the Aussies in the rugby union. It was bound to happen. I in my infinite wisdom made a bet with an Aussie mate that if our side lost then we'd paint our face the colour of the opposition and used the photo, with a celebratory caption as out Facebook photo for a week. I may need to go and buy green and yellow face paint! ......
- comments
Mum Speeling colourblindness seem to be catching!!!