I hadn't thought to set my alarm for this morning, but remember waking up thinking "I should check what the time is." until the next time I woke up and thought "I should check what the time is." This must have gone on for hours until eventually I did check the time…it was 4:30 IN THE AFTERNOON!!! My great plan to set my watch to Australian time had gone out the window; I was back to square one. Obviously I couldn't sleep that night and returned to work on Tuesday completely jetlagged.
FOOTNOTE: I had a wonderful time in Europe and hope that this will be the first of many trips to Europe. It was incredible to be able to share this trip with Hayley. Our roles were very much reversed during our travels; she, the seasoned traveller taking on the mothering role, organising me and our day; while I took on the role of the child, happy for her to make decisions about the best way to do things and to go along with whatever she had planned for us.
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