Wots goin on? Its been 7 days since you've posted a blog or photos. You OK? Or r u just having 2 much fun to be bothered with this excellent way of keeping in touch!?!
Hey traveller! Finally got to catch up on your where abouts and comings and goings! So cool and exciting for you! Am printing yours out as well for Mum to read so she can sit and giggle at your adventures as she has with Hayley. All good here..enjoying having Tamara home! Take care and keep up the blogs..will stayed tuned. xx
You make me giggle, Mum.
Love your work
Hey Liz
Look at you! You're really there! Your photos are excellent, and your stories are fantastic. Just back off the vegetarians ok!!! Maybe someone stole their cheese?!
Hoorn and slob on the same sign. That is funny! But you're Horn-e, Liz
And who knew you were obsessed with windmills!! They are magnificent!
Looking forward to reading more from your big adventure.
Kristie x
Hi Liz
Loving the blogs and the photos. Keep them coming. What a wonderful time you and Hayley must be having.
Take care
Hey Liz
Thanks for the msg today. I did some searching for you on the site, but didn't have any luck....obviously I didn't perservere enough as I see that Jenny was able to find you!
Love your blogs.....wow, so much info...what a great way to keep track of your journey AND share it with all us suckers back home workin....almost as it happens!
I'll check in regularly to see what you are up to. Don't go eating too much of those tasty treats on offer. Berliners (I think that's what they were called) became part of my staple diet during my travels over there. I turned into quite a puddin because I just gobbled em up at every opportunity.
Keep having a great adventure. Looking forward to more blogs and photos.....can't see any yet, but I'm sure its only a matter of time.
Take care and stay safe.
Hey Liz
Found your site. Looking forward to reading your blogs. Have a wonderful trip! Keep us posted.