Hey hey Well lots and lots has happened in the north islands and yes my love for New Zealand is in tact.
The north island is as much fun as the south. So what have i been up to since i was last on? well lots and lots. After Wellington and its crazyiness i.e my friend sleep walking and taking a piss on the corridor floor of the hostel sos Pav it had to be mentioned. We moved on with the kiwi bus to Tapou and yes once again it was breathtaking natural beauty at its best. Me and Neil climbed up Mount Doom where The Lord Of the Rings was made (and know we didn't see David Moyes) 25km hike and it was insane climbing over the clouds oh ye, well worth it to see the volcanoe at its best, although climbing down was tough bolders rolling at you is not so fun you are geniuelly scared for your life, my german friend kept me entertained falling at every opportunity. My description of the volcanoe does not justify it you need to be there to experience it, was great fun, could not walk for 2 days though.
After Tapou we went to a Maori village and it was awesome and was a great insight to how the Maoris actually live there life i have upmost respect for these guys as they have kept there tradition intact. I also got to learn the hakka something i have always wanted and now a dream has come true, i had to do this infront of 200 people i think i did well video to follow. After a tour and sing along around the camp we had a traditonal Maori feast and my word these guys can put a spread on, so much food. The cooking is done the traditonal Maori way underground on hot coals from the volcanoe in total it takes up to 6 hours, i loved it probably one of the best things i have done.
After Tapou it was then time to go to Auckland and say goodbye to the kiwi bus sad times made so many good friends there that have made my experience of New Zealand top draw. Although the travelling didn't stop there as a group we decided to hire a car to go the Bay of Islands and Retinga (the most northerly point of New Zealand both had awesome views but 5 people staying in a car for 2 nights is not so good sleeping upright hurts, but to tackle these problems we drank wine and played cards was great fun. After our little adventure it was time to come back to my new fav place Auckland and say goodbye to team swingers everyone left to go diffrent countries etc sad times but we will meet up again for sure.
Now i'm back in Auckland i'm having so much fun Elaine has been kind enough to put me up in her penthouse apartment bang in the city and its great. Staying with the Irish is so fun as they want to party as much as me. Liverpool vs Everton was a great booze filled night altohugh i did strip naked in the bar. This was followed by a unexpected session on monday with Denise it just turned to us drinking till 5am then both of us sleeping for 2 hours and then getting straight back on it Tuesday was a write off thats all people need to know. I have also hooked up with Kym in Auckland a friend from Wigan and she has been a legend we have had so much fun over the last few days went on a road trip to Phia great scenery and the also did chip barms first in 19 months of travelling. Funny story to the trip was that ran out of petrol in the middle of knowwhere, Luckily we seen a tourist info centre and had to beg a park ranger to lend us some petrol take the scouser out of Liverpool hey but he decided to kindly oblige and we saved 40bucks woopie doo da.
The next day consisted of going to the zoo (where a bird pooped on me and no it's not good luck by the way) again great to be around Kym she is so much fun even if she does support Man United. After the zoo we ate pizza at the one and only Devils pizza the only reason i am mentioning this is that we got a roulette pizza which basically has 1 slice of pizza that is firey hot not fun i got both slices and yes i cried like a baby. Tonight is consisting of going on the piss with the Irish crew its only going to end in a hangover cannot wait for that. Early next week me and Kym are going to do a wine tour in the next few days this is going to be a epic piss up once again oh ye. Wednesday will be a new chapter on my world travels as my love affair begins with Asia again next stop Singapore oh ye. Although i am bit wary of this as there has been a few earthquakes recently in Indonesia.
Hope everyone is good and catch you all later.
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