So second day and secong blog already! Unfortunately today has been a bit rubbishy for me. The jet lag hit me big time and i wasn't very well...this was probably made worse by all the heat (about 33 today!....they keep telling us this is cold for them pah!) Also we wanted to go and visit the grand palace and surroundings today but apparently from today til monday its a bit manic as the prince's sister has died (i think). Therefore everything is closed for the funeral. There were police everywhere and we couldn't get in :-( ,amaged to see the prince though!
Tis not all doom an gloom though. We have managed to book the almost the rest of our time here with a lovely lady called Pat at travel guide. I am ready to leave Bangkok is hot/busy/men pester you everywhere to sell taxi rides or products. Also the overnight train we wanted is booked until saturday so we have to stay an extra night. But we are very lucky where we are. We had a long time to chill and sleep for me to feel better in our hotel and then we are so close to everything even when we went out to see the standing Budda on a tuk tuk it didn't take long.
So on sat we head to Chaing Mai for a 3 day trek with elephants, waterfalls and local village...luckily it is cold season there (25 hehe) so should be easier to cope with. We then fly down to Ko Samui and will be spending a while on the different islands (Koh pang nan, Ko Samui and Ko Tao) here we can catch the half moon party...chill on beaches etc. then we get a boat and bus to Phuket and will also visit Koh phi phi) then we fly back from phuket to Bangkok again for a 3 day trip at tiger temple, river kwai and floating market etc...before we fly out on the 8th! Few...was such a relief to get it all sorted tho and so cheap!
Toya did a lovely job of just relaxing and looking after me for a few hours today when i was poorly...i have managed to now eat the good old hospital cream!! so hopefully i can build back my appetite. Plenty of water too. Think tonight we will head to a bar/restaurant that has been recommended called gazebo then a fairly early start tomorrow where we plan to take a trip down the river and see some sights here.
things to remeber:
- weird smells, all the signs, tuk tuks, dog wearing shoes! Pat, bartering with the stalls for a bargain, the thai uni student who helped us :-)
That's all for now!
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