I just did something reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly embarassing! I'm just gonna tell everyone in the hope it will then be less embarrassing! I just went down to cook my dinner (the only thing i know how to cook cheese and butter pasta) and I was cooking next to these two American guys not totally cute or anything anyway we exchanged a few words along the lines of stand back this might spit (dropping oil in a pan) anyway so after i go upstairs to my room to check my phone and then go downstairs to come on the internet and who's in the lift as i wait one of the American guys, so he smiles at me and goes so you not going out tonight? and i go ...wait for it... no but i'm going tomorrow to scary caneries you know toga, toga! he just laughed at me. The reason i said Toga! toga! by the way is because it's roman night tomorrow! Is that embarrassing? I felt like it was...Anyway i'm glad that i got that off my chest.
So Brisbane! Yeah I shouldn't have gone back. You know when you go somewhere have such a good time and then go back and wished you hadn't yep one of those. But i am glad i went back. The weather was better than Sydney and i feel like i've got a tan now. And i met two crazy Canadian girls. Roy 24 lives in Mebourne and Allanah is her 16 year old sister who is visiting her they invited me down to surfers paradise with them for the day and the plan was to go to a theme park but by the time we had, had lunch it was 3pm so instead we walked along the beach They were quite crazy they were just say Hey, how you doin? to anyone and everyone so we walked along the beach and spoke to 3 lots of groups who invited us out that night but i was meant to be going back to Brisbane but it sounded like it was going to be one of those cool unplanned nights and they're always the best! So i checked into a Hostel (ahem) and then went shopping got this gorgeous dress for 35 pounds! bargain! anyway the night was soo good! We went to each of the groups hotel parties and didn't spend a penny! Well apart from the dress and Hostel
The last party we went to i met a guy called Chris. He's Australian and lives in Sydney so i've arranged to meet him on Thursday! That should be fun. I'll try and get a pic of him!
Yesterday i got back to Sydney (after 18 hours on a bus) and went over to the Greig, Tom and Daves hostel. We made a massive goon cocktail! It had goon, lemonade and pineapple juice and by the time we had finished i was wasted the guys went on to the sidebar and i went back to my hostel. I got lost and its so simple to get to places here! this old man stopped me and showed me a piece of paper i glanced at it but he was counting and i thought that was weird! So i ran away! Hee! So anyway i was glad to get back to the hostel!
Today I went to see where Home and Away is filmed! I got to palm beach and sat sunbathing then i sat up and thought i must be in the wrong place anyway i walked along and finally found it! It's fab! Absolutely fab and i'm so glad i made the effort to go there! There is a little sign above the surf club saying A. Stewart! So cool!
I didn't go to Steve Irwins Zoo. :-( Tomorrow i'm going to do the whole of the bondi to coogee walk as we didn't finish it last time! only two days left here now and yes i'm sad but happy as well! I can see the lack in msgs on my msg board and to be honest it's just not good enough! Get typing!!!! ;-p jokes!!!
Dawn: you best have that sign waiting for me at LAX airport!!!!
Loadsa love!
Lisa xx
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