So how was it??? I've gotta admit once my new years was over and i got some drunk calls from the girls i kinda missed everyone! :-)
Ok so i don't think i've told you about cristmas but i've gotta be quick as off to dinner in 15 mins so lets see how much i can squeeze in!
Christmas eve i went on a boat trip along the harbour! All drinks were included (beer and wine) and itwas for four hours. Then we went to a club which was quite good saw in christmas day had a cheeseburger and stayed out till around 5am so was really knackered the next day! Xmas day was good! I met Kelly, Jo, Rachel, Matt and Sean and the girls had managed to get this cute little room just above the kitchen in our hostel and they decorated it lovely! We played loads of games you usually play on xmas day and had a really nice day! Not on the beach as we heard it was going to rain... it didn't though!
Boxing day i was meant to check out and go to this hostel enda had booked, didn't need so changed to my name in dodgy Kings Cross so i turned up and they said it had been double booked. So obviously i was in a bit of a state as i was meant to be there over new years eve and where was i going to find at this late stage!! So they said they didn't want me to be on the streets and i could have the sofa... which was on the roof with only half a ceiling... and it was meant to rain for the next 7 days!Out of desperation i took it. I spoke to Lucy who was still staying at base and she said there might still be room. So i rang them and they had up until the 29th so i took that and that way i figured i would only have to be on the sofa 2 nights and get out of Sydney asap. (there wasn't even n hotels available!)
I mentioned to Jo that i would like to go to the blue mountains at some point and she was like lets hire a car so thats what we did. Jo's uncle lives up at the blue mountains so we had a place to spend the night and it was the plan to go up the day before new years eve and drive back New years eve in time to be at the botanic gardens to watch the fireworks and meet everyone else! However things went terribly wrong... tune in next time to find out what happened! (thats my 15 mins up!)
Ok so where was i?! ah yes! I had to meet Jo in reception at 7:15 but i went out the night before ( i wont go into details but i have now earned the name cheeseburger eddie.) So we picked up our car (which we named our little blue baby) and drove the two hours up to blue mountains and Jo's uncles house. He was very helpful an told us the best places to go and we set off on our trip.
I drove on the highway. For those of you who don't know it took me 7 times to pass my test and that was back in July! And i haven't driven since. So it was a bit scary as i didn't get used to the gears first or anything. It was pretty stupid actually and after about 20 mins and our first stop i wisely gave the keys back to Jo.
The views were amazing and i definately recommend going up there if you're in Sydney. We went to the three sisters which was really good too and you can climb down the steps to the bottom i got almost to the three sisters and freaked out over the steepness of the steps had a bit of a panic attack and went back to the top. I sat thinking at the top of the blue mountains while waiting for Jo to come back up.
The next day we got up early to go see Jo's uncles horses and then made the journey back but Dave text me saying security were going to shut the gates at 12:30 so we had to hurry. It was 10:30 by this time. We still had about half an hour of drivig, to pick up my key for my sofa over one side of the city to drop off our bags at Jo's hostel the otherside of the city and to drop off the car, get petrol and get to the gardens. Yeah that wasn't gonna happen. We got lost, when dropping off our bags we got a parking ticket $180, forgot to get petrol and went through the toll without paying. I made it to the gardens at 2. But they were still letting people in so i waited for the 2 hours and got in! I was so happy! After such a bad start to watch the fireworks with all the fiends i'd made in Sydney and my cousin was brilliant! And the fireworks really were so pretty! Pics didn't come out so i filmed it.
Yesterday i decided i din't want to stay on a sofa again so caught a flight back up to Brisbane! And this time i will go to Steve irwins Zoo!
HOpe you are all good! And want to hear of what you did New Years Eve!
Lots of luv,
Lisa xx
p.s only 11 more days in Oz!
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