Saturday. Needless to say my head was fuzzy when I woke up. However we wanted to get out and see the sights today. We went for brunch then went and hired two mopeds between us all. Lauren volunteered to drive our bike, so I hopped on the back and we all headed out for the afternoon driving in the mountains to see the views. They weren't a disappointment! We went up the mountains to the canyon to watch the sun setting, and considering I'm afraid of heights I made it to the top and it was really worth it. It was amazing. We went back and got showered, which is a task when sharing a room with 11 people, men and women. All privacy goes out the window. We spent the evening in the town walking round the local market which was really good, and headed to bed afterwards. They had stalls for anything and everything and street food from different cultures. Nick was trying a bit of everything on each stand but me and the girls got a homemade lasagne from a Thai stand which was delicious. It was nice to see locals out dancing and mingling in the streets and just seeing the way they live. I thought this when we were riding through the mountains too. We went past a few villages where people were living in huts and basic living areas. It's a completely different way of life here. It makes me think about how we worry and stress about things that really aren't needed. It made me think about my family and friends at home and how I missed them as well. It's days like today though that made me want to come away and see these places.
- comments
Abol Sab Love reading those last few lines.
Auntie Loz Sounds gorgeous hun I can just see it wish I was there xxx