Amazing photos, thinking about you, kids at school asking me how you're getting on. Take care. Love Maria
Jane Tyler
Hi Ben & lisa,
your photos look totally amazing, out of this world scenery, enjoy the 'having all the time in the world' feeling, its amazing! xx
Ann O'neill
Hi Lisa /Ben photos are great almost like we're there with you (I wish) keep them coming loving this blog thing where do we go next, be safe and enjoy xxx Ann
Ron Burgundy
I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am...
I wanna say something. I'm gonna put it out there; if you like it, you can take it, if you don't, send it right back. I want to be on you.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I... I wanna be on you.
Ron x
Donna Critchley
V jealous!!! Looks like you are having fun! North staff room is just not the same!!! Thinking of you. Keep safe.
Donna and Neal xxx
Sharon Guy
I am SO envious! Sounds like your adventure is even better than North staff room on a Friday breaktime!!
Enjoy! And keep up the blog - loved reading it!
Sharon x
Jane Tyler
Hey gringos!
loving our blog it really made me laugh! your photos of dead people look like something out the eyed willy!
cute little penguins too. Sounds like your having the time of your lives, and long may it continue!
Things are busy in london, start my course tomorrow :) still looking for somewhere to live, i could be a hackney tourist guide i've walked around the streets so much! still actually quite cosy in the flat with the girls.
looking forward to your next installment, have fun, hugs jane xx
Big Sprocky
Hi Baby Sprocky and Benjita
Missing you guys lots and I am so jealous!! It is peeing it down here today, how depressing, then I read your blog and now I am even more depressed. Wonder if work would miss me for 5 months!!!
Anyway keep up the blog so we can learn about your adventures,Oh and you both look ridiculously stylish still...lose the coolness and become proper travellers.
PS. You both need a wash we can smell you from here!!!!
Love you both lots
Hugs and kisses
Big Sprocky and Scotty
Derek Proctor
Hi Just read about your first adventure. The first of many no doubt. Photo's are great. We are looking forward to the next (Inca trail)Sounds like you're having a great time.
Shame about the "Boro" Ben.Still travelling around the World is much better than the Riverside Yeah!!!
Mam n Dad
Matt Kirkham
Como estan, beetches!
It's going to be hard for me to write anything nice on this blog because I'm so bloody JEALOUS!
I'm in a glass case of emotion right now, aghhh! Anywho, nice pics - Ben you still look immaculate, Lisa you look a bit dirty in one photo, but enough about those Polaroid's we took before you left ;0)
I miss you both, glad you're having an awesome time, if you'd have saved more money you know you could have taken me with you!
No interesting news from Blighty... but! I'm learning to ride a motorbike tomorrow! HA HAAAAHH!
You know where the parties at, don't be a stranger.