Lots and lots of great photo's. That 19k walk was something special!!! Did you break the record. We remember when we used to go to the Lakes ,Lisa after 100yds you used to say are we nearly there yet. How times have changed. Maybe you will start going to the lakes again to do lots & lots of walks.
We enjoyed your early morning wake up call 06:50. Great to speak to you. Enjoy your next adventure on the Great Barrier reef.
Love you lots
Mam n Dad
Ville Wendelin
Hi! Your blog is very awesome and i've been reading it few times now! Im planing to do a trip like yours as well in the near future and like to know something about your budget. Has everything worked out as you planed and did you have to spend more or less money than you taught? Good luck guys and thanks by anticipation!
Mel Yorkie Road
Hi lisa and Benbo!!
Happy new year!awww love the cute lamb photos!!! hope the weather is good, its a winter wonderland here! very snowy and white!! miss you loads, hurry home, say hi to hels if you're still with her!xxxx
Helen & Scott
Hi guys
Keep up with the blog its a bit out dated!!! Hope you guys had a great new year, missing you both lots. Hopefully speak to you soon xxx
Happy New Year Lisa and Ben, trust you had a good one, nice and frosty here in good ole Brum! (-6 tonight!). Really enjoying the pics, take care and enjoy. Love Maria
Matt Kirkham
Hey kids,
Thanks for the Copacabana post card, nice scenery indeed!Glad Santa found you at Aussie Dave's, hope you and the Kosnar's had good Christmas, I trust you dragged Lisa to the cricket... good lad ;0)
I had a textbook Christmas back home, lots of pub oriented afternoons with the Southwell Posse.Just signed up the for Bath Half Marathon so although it's a complete cliché, it's looks like I'm going to have to spend January "in training" - I hate clichés.
Anyway, text me next time you're on skype and hopefully see you soon.
Lots of love,
Neil & Michelle
Hi Lisa & Ben.
Merry Christmas. Hope your enjoying your trip, certainly sounds like it. Glad to see you taking full advantage of the local hospitality. Throw a shrimp on the barbie for us. Enjoy the rest of your amazing trip. Have a great New Year. (Bet your missing the cold and damp of England really)
Neil & Michelle
Derek Proctor
Hi both
Hope you both had a great Oz Christmas day and Boxing day. Lovely BBQ and sun.We had a lovely xmas dinner but we missed you lots.We have saved you some SPROUTS for when you come home.
Love you both lots and lots
Mam and Dad
Helen & Scott
Hi both
Merry Christmas, cant believe you guys are in suuny climates whilst we are all cold. Was going to say wish you were here, but I mean we wish we were there!! Love you both lots and missing you heaps.
Hugs and kisses us xxxxxxxx
Kate O'neill
Merry Christmas both of you, ive just been to Stockholm (not the same as your travels but i try). hope you are both well and enjoying everything.
Love Kate xxxx
Mel Yorkie Road
happy chrimbo lisa and benbo!!! miss u loads!!!xxxx
Have fun in Waitomo - can recommend the back water rafting (which isn't half as scary as it sounds - but jumping into the waterfalls sat in a big tyre is good fun!).
In the spirit of Christmas I would just like to say...I tell you what I'm gonna give you snakes, I'm gonna give you to the counta 10, to get your ugly, yella, no good keeshter off my property, before I pump your guts full 'o lead 1...2...10.