Looks and sounds like you are having the experience you desired. Hearing about your travels really has given me the travel bug back again. Enjoy yourselves to the absolute full! Take care
P.s Why is it, even though you go on holiday travelling and have no work to get up for, you never manage to get a lie in? Thats what perplexed me!
Derek Proctor
Hi Lisa/Ben
We have got our two postcards. Should we lend Helen and Scott one for a day, ha ha.
We are really enjoying following your travels, reading your blogs and seeing great photo's. Keep them coming.
Ben, you really look the part with the beard. Lisa you will have to try dressing like the locals.
Love from Mam n Dad and the family of bears.
We are all missing you.
Typical Boro letting a goal in on 94 minutes. What a team Ben, Yeah!!
Take care love you.xxxxxxxxxx
Big Sprocky
Hi Guys
Still no postcard!!!! Ma and Pa are gloating so much that they have a post card and we don't!!! On the positive note of you being away.....I get to raid your wardrobe its great! Got loads of comments on my nice new Reiss dress last night.
Your photos are great...Ben we loved the dancing....did you not dance Sprocky?
How is it that you are miles away from home and there still manages to be a mention of chicagos parmos!! We had one the other night for you though.....mmmm yummy!
Anyway love you both lots, keep up the blog, speak to you soon on skype
PS Dont forget its my birthday soon, if you send a pressie now it may still get to me on time!!
love sprocky and scotty xxxx
PPS Boro are crap!!
Matt Kirkham
Buenos días beetches!
Looking the part now eh - Ben Grylls, although until I see you eat a skunk you won't be able to adopt that nickname, it's worth noting he's always cleanly shaven also, is that about 6 weeks growth? Lisa - I can't believe he dragged you around looking for a sports bar (well, actually I can), you're commitment to the "beautiful" game is both impressive and disturbing. If it was ice hockey or Crown Green Bowls I could understand, but football?!
Can't believe the nerve of that German chick! How dare she, clearly if she'd been to Chicago's in Stockton she'd be singing a different tune, glad to hear you're flying the British flag!
Stay safe kids x
Looks like you are having a great time, facial hair and all (that's just Ben by the way!). Sounds like you are coming to terms with the timekeeping of developing countries which will serve you well for the rest of your trip. Did your argument for british food with the German involve Parmo's by any chance?!
Keep having fun as time will fly!!
Lynz x
Hey dudes,
Loving the blog, keeps me very amused in work! Im reading it in your accent too, Ian styleeee!
Dave Mitchell
Did it take you a month to grow that 'beard'!!!! HA ha.
I cannot believe you ate the guinea pig. you really will eat anyhthing wont you! and lisa, i want that hat please!!
Saturday was a disgrace mate, hope the chelsea bolivians werent too harsh on you with their abuse.
Take care guys, xx
Stay Read
Your soo making me jelous !
thanks for the info was a great help it was foe me.
Must say, the blogs you have written are just inspirational and brilliant you should write a book LOL . What a great experience your so lucky Grrrrr :-D
Hannah King
We're having a treat Friday feast this week - you're so going to miss out on it (NOT!!)- i'd rather be where you are than at the oak!
Photos are fab and love the blog -
Take care and lets hope no more nasty pick pockets
Kate O'neill
All looks very good! your such a teacher lisa, you write so much! i am very proud you walked the Inca trail, i will include you in my lesson. Did you know the Incas also used to bath the children in wee if they were ill. You have been warned!
Love me xxxx
Love the beard Ben! The photos look really cool... Alex is going to the Chelsea game with me on Saturday, hope we get something out of it! Have fun, but more importantly be careful!
Love Sammi xxxx
Juliet Bain
Hey Morph & Lisa
Photos are fab - you look like you're having an amazing time.....I'm not in the slightest bit jealous.....??!!!!
Look forward to hearing more about it....and Morph, imagine forgetting me off your blog - the cheek!!