Hi to you both loving the travel blog,The photos are fab (how many cameras now Lisa!!) preperations are well underway for christmas shops busy weather freezing bet you are missing it all soooo much looking forward to speaking to you on boxing day tons of love the ONeills xxxx
Derek Proctor
Great to speak to you both on Monday. Sounds like you are still enjoying this trip of a life time.Haha you are missing all the good weather we are having in good old UK. "Its freezing here" Looking forward to seeing the sky diving pics. Keep the photo's and blogs coming "We love them"
love u both
Mam n Dad. xxx
Matt Kirkham
Eeeeh-Oh Maate...
I'm going up the Boro tonight for a Parmo! Ha HA! In your face!!
Sorry, got a little carried away there, it's the only thing I can throw at you in such 'envious' times. As an 'ode to Ben' I'm going to get as drunk as possible and try to fall over, I'm already wearing a vest and you know the shirt won't last long - it's the least I can do in your absence.
It's about time you came home ain't it? I'm looking for a new job come January 2009, you'll be glad to hear there seems to be some work coming up in Brum. London looms like a shadow over everything we've built in Sunny Birmingham, I'll keep the home fires burning ;0)
Lisa - we've got 'Smelda' and the York road posse coming to our house party in a couple of weeks, she's threatening to wear the red shoes to rub my face in the 'lack of flat screen TV', something has to be done!
Love to both y'all.
M x
Hello you two......
Just letting you know im actually reading your blog while your on the road (and not swatting up just before you get back like you Ms proctor!!) and im well jealous (apart from all the long bus journeys and 4am arrivals). Looks like your having a good laff anyways although its no way as much fun as living in england!!!
Take it easy and will see you soon!!
David Blair
Hi Lisa potos look great,but can you rotate them its doing my neck in,have the best time,you will love Aus,the gritmonkey,whos the gritmonkey ?ask your dad
Hi Lisa and Ben
Love looking at the pics, you are having a fab time. Keep them coming. All is fine at Shire Oak!
Jane Tyler
Hello little travellers!
Ben you are properly looking the part with your goatie! Lisa, you look as glam as ever on the horse with little ringlets in your hair :) just looked through your new pics, Ben you look at home on that horse, brokeback eat your heart out! looks like you had hours of fun doing your photos on the salt flats!
take care, have fun, hugs xx
Ha ha loving the comedy pics!! Lisa i want more blogging though! more deets please!!! love Mel Yorkie roader!xxx
I relatively unknown candidate, Ben Morphet, is running for president of the United States.
We can now go live to our reporter in the field for a live update, click here --> http://www.tsgnet.com/pres.php?id=46832&altf=Cfo&altl=Npsqifu
In an earlier interview with Ben Morphet he said, "eee oh maaate, when I'm f%$kin' President, I'm maakin f%$kin Chicken Parmo's the national dish... have that news. Daft ****!"
More on that story as it breaks.
This is Ron Burgundy, you stay classy people.
Big Sprocky & Scotty
You are forgiven...well not fully. We have recieved a postcard but now Ma and Pa have 2!!!!
Love ya
Diane & Steve
Hi Lisa and Ben
Thanks for keeping us posted. It looks so interestingthis wonderful trip. You've taken some great photos too. Glad to follow you around on this wonderful web site. Isn't technology great. Sometimes!!!
Take Care from Canada, actually in one of your photos the flag on the back of a boat only has a red maple leaf missing and it would look like our country flag. Just thought you'd like to know.