OK so its been a hard week for me this week.... I have expereinced theft in south africa first hand.... i have had a near death experience climbing mountains and i have single handedly wrestled with crocodiles.... ok i thought i'd make it sound interestin for u all!!!
So i'm fresh back from wrestlin crocodiles.... shame i don't come from dundee cause I could have a new knickname!!! Ok so slight exageration.... so far I've managed to kill two of the little suckers... didn't see one below me so it got a merrrell shoe imprint firmly stamped into its bodywork... wow they can howl when they feel like it but hey i dare say if i had my body weight fallin on me from a height i might let out an ickle howl too!!!
Managed to pluck up the courage to wash one of the larger crocs this week.... i mite add that was after the guy had made me sign my life away in a disclaimer and then their gobs were tied together with masking tape.... not sure why i was feelin slightly wary on this one maybe due to the fact they had just tried to eat him and he fell in with them!!!!
So no need to worry about the theft incident.... I'm ok!!! So we're not talking my life savings or anything but it was pretty damn precious at the time.... now i watch my back whereever i go as you never know when another feckin monkey is goin to jump out of nowhere!!! yes thats right a feckin baboon sneeked into our kitchen and ran off with our loaf of bread for lunch time sarnies.... needless to say the shops aren't that plentiful in the middle of know where!!!
Climbing the mountain was pretty amazing.... as one south african guy told us "you really get a sense of how big they are when your up here" my reply "all I've got is an understanding of how feckin short my legs are!!!" Climbing 40m of chain ladder fixed to sheer cliff face is an achievement in itself.... especially when the guy thats guiding you says only one at a time as it means if you fall you don't kill someone else too!!!!
So the last little bit of news for you is.... and please don't fall off your seats laughing!!!! I'm now officially a model.... had to sign my model release form so they could use the pics of us in the mountains.... personally i'm not sure that ickle white scottish girl with bright red face from over exertion is going to sell to anyone other than health insurance!!!
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