Ok so one week in and I'm going to set your expectations low on the update frequency for the blog.... Weekly is going to be the most you get as I've already tries this once and the connection failed.... yes I was doing my usual F**** b*****!!! One week is enough to make some great friends, laugh a lot, have some bloody brilliant experiences and have some interestin stories to tell!!!
I've learnt that corocodile and antelope taste ok... "tastes like chiken" would be what sprung to mind but I did have to pass on the generous offer of dried worms.... glad I did after the girl said they tastes like dried bird poop.... how someone knows that makes me wonder!!!!
I've learnt to dance some zulu moves.... not sure that I mastered it but it made me chuckle and me thinks that everyone else got a laugh at me... either that or they were amaxed at the noises i could also make.... yes that would be me laughing!!!
I've learnt that jumpin off a 7 foot jetty to get some morning sunrise pics is not the best move when once on the ground below the guy says "lets not go to close to the water the crocs are very close!!".... oh yes and there isn't a ladder to get back up so little old vertically challenged me won't be going anywhere in a hurry....
Most importantly I've learnt to wear dark pants cause I am frequently "s***tin my pants".... angry crocs that you can't see, hippos that kill the most folk in africa that like to come into town for a stroll, rhinos that come feckin close to our little truck.... oh yes and this week we plan on going kayaking in the estuary with the hippos and crocs.... I have officaially been certified as MAD!!!!
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