Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
October 8th, 2013, 12:38pm.
Oh my goodness! We are at the airport. I'm just sitting with my mom for the last time before we have to go through security. My uncle tried to warn me that this morning would fly by, but I didn't expect it to happen THIS quickly!
I wish there was some way I could make sure my mom would be okay without me. She just had her second chemotherapy treatment yesterday, so she should start feeling sick by Thursday. I'm not too worried though, since she has so many people to care for her. I just wish she could come with us or something. That way I'd never be wondering what she's doing or what she's feeling. I know she wants me to relax and forget about home for a while, but she should know by now that my family is always in my mind!
I love you so much Mama! Take good care and try not to worry as much- I'll try not to worry either! And Dad look after her, kay? I'll miss you!!!
Here we goooooo...!!!!!
Love always,
Lindsay Lehr
- comments
barbara eguchi Lindsay have a great time with your Uncle!!! We will all keep in touch with your momma!