Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
October 7th, 2013, 9:53pm.
Well... We're off to Japan tomorrow! Our flight leaves at 1:45pm, Calgary time. I'm not sure if the butterflies in my stomach are because of excitement, or nerves! I guess we'll see...
My Auntie Paige just dropped off a really nice card. It has all of her favourite travel quotes in it. Some of them were so touching, that I had to pack it with me! My favourite one says, "One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." -Henry Miller. I guess you could say a bit of my Auntie will be coming with me to Japan! Thank you for the beautiful card, Auntie! :)
I've packed my backpack/suitcase thing... My Uncle Real is still sitting in the kitchen, talking on the phone. He's no where near being packed yet!!! Everyone better be wishing me luck on this trip- I don't know how I'm gonna control this crazy man! I'll have to babysit him!
Well I guess I better go... I'm going to TRY and sleep. I need a good night's rest for tomorrow! We've got a big day ahead!
Thank you to everyone who came out to the CIBC Breast Cancer Walk/Run for the Cure a couple days ago, too. It was a perfect day. I couldn't have pulled it off without all of you! Love you all! xoxo!
See you in 3 weeks!
Love always,
Lindsay Lehr
- comments
Gramma & Grampa xo Good luck on your trip, Lindsay. We'll be thinking of you both and just know you'll have a wonderful time. Love you.
Karin Downey What a great experience for someone so wonderful!! We love you Lindsay!! The chicas and I will be sure to check your blog! Love you some more, Karin