Hi ho hi ho to Washington we go. DC better beware as we're on our way there...hi we go!
On the road again, but a Walmart stop of course before beginning the long journey. We needed some nibbles or the trip. It was a long way to DC...11 hours to be exact. Lots of driving. After a little while driving Liz randomly came out with 'so whats going to happen when we run out of room for dead people, where will they put the bodies?' Random or what? Buried at sea I recon...that's what they do on James Bond haha!
We drove a bit longer and after a quick stop at the rest stop Liz scratched her grazed arm and it started to bleed. Well I've never know a reaction like it. She kept saying her arm was squirting out blood and it wasn't stopping. She kept saying 'I'm going to bleed to death!' It was hysterical. What's even funnier is it was the smallest cut I have ever seen. Haha. She also thought she needed a cluster plaris on it...meaning a plaster of Paris...Brilliant! I had tears running down my face I was laughing so much. It made the journey very entertaining!
Finally parked up at a rest stop for some shut eye. There was a 5 hour drive left until we reached Washington. We couldn't get to sleep for a while, this car not as comfy as the first one. We watched 'Horrible Bosses' on the iPhone and then got some sleep. It is a genius film! Some laugh out loud comedy! Haha!
The drive began early and we mad our way to Pittsburgh Pensylvania, another state to add to the growing list of ours. The place is pretty cool but not much going on there plus there are a lot of weridos brought back memories of San Fran eek! So we walked around for an hour or so and made our way back to the car.
It was a mission getting out of Pittsburgh. There were so many turnings left and right, one way systems, 3 lane exits and with mr google maps playing up it was all on us. It was like a game...pick a lane...get in the correct one or you lose and we would go at least 10 miles in the wrong direction, thats pretty much how far the exits are apart from eachother. So we were concentrating...hard!
After making it out if Pittsburgh we had about 70 miles left of gas. Now there are usually about 10 stations on each long highway every 20 miles or so. This highway there were... NONE! Can you believe it? Typical!! We actually drove for almost 70miles without seeing one. It was very intense, I had the same amount of miles left on the clock. It was literally a race against time. I honestly thought we would be braking down again! Fortunately luck was on our side and we made it with 2miles to spare. Phew!! On the plus side of our 'almost' disaster it was a really picturesque drive. Beautiful autumn colours on the trees and lots if bendy roads. The perfect drive in my opinion.
A few hours passed and we checked in at a motel an hour outside DC to get a good night sleep. We bought some facial scrub, nail varnish, the hair dye was applied and pretty woman was on the tv. It was a great girlie night in.
Woke up feeling extremely fresh and we made our way to DC. The president was expecting us...I'd had a chat with him on the phone and he invited us to dinner! Haha. First things first, we checked into our new home for the next 3days, DC Lofty hostel. Kevin was there to greet us and check us in...he is like another Carlos just slightly younger plus he sounds exactly like eyore from Winnie the Pooh! It makes me laugh. Very deep and depressing. I think I might ask him to say 'oh no I've done it again...I've lost my tail!' haha. He's cool though! We like him.
So it was still early in the day and we went to explore the streets of this big city. First stop...The White House. It took us a good 40 minutes or so to find it. I thought it would be quite easy to spot but I was wrong. As I'd left my phone in the hostel we had no navigation equipment...just our brains and a map we had found. We checked the direction on the map and walked... the complete wrong way. Haha. It took us about 10 minutes to realise then changed our route and walked the correct way. On our little journey Liz asks me 'is the White house actually White?'. Hmmm I wonder, I thought it was purple! Ha.
'Well hello Mr President!' we had arrived. It's beautiful I could see myself living there one my dreams. We had our pictures taken and walked around to the back. Well we had only arrived there when there was a big event going on in the garden. Obama was home and he was about to make a speech. We could pretty much see everything that was going on until a load of police arrived in the area we were standing, announcing that the area was now closed and we had to move. What?? Mr Obama was about to take the podium and we weren't allowed to watch! I'd say we were standing about 600yards away. Crazy right? Well we heard him speak as we walked away...that's the closest we got to him.
As we walked up to the Washington monument police sirens sounded and there were a dozen or so plus the big, black secret service RVs speeding down the street. Something had happened but we are not quite sure what. A few ambulances and helicopters followed later. Some crazy s*** went down we think.
After seeing the washington monument from many angles we went to Louie bar and grill for some goooood burgers and a pint. Mmmmmm how manly are we haha. It was an early start for us...then on our walk back to the hostel we picked up our liquor and we were ready to go.
We decided to break the rules and have some pre drinks in our room. 'no food or beverages above the door'! We are just rebels haha. After a few bevies we hit Adams Morgan... apparently the best street to visit for nightlife. It took us a while to get there as the taxis over here say they will come and pick you up but not actually turn up. A great company... not a clue how they actually make their money. We did get there eventually though and it was actually a really cool place. Kev had told us to go and visit him in reef, the bar he worked at so we did. They had dori and nemo swimming 'round in the upstairs bar. They had about 6tanks full of fish, plus karaoke. It was cool as fudge! Kevin was slightly busy so we walked across the street to a busier bar. There was a local band playing which were pretty awesome. We had a few drinks and a little dance. Two business guys came up to us and got chatting. One lives in Boston and wants to take us to see some sort of leaves fall up there when we go. I don't think so buddy. They were cool to talk to but that was it really. They
paid for our taxi home though...that was a bonus haha. Well that was our first day in washington was time for some sleep.
Another early morning for us... another quick catch up with the hilarious Jodie Saladino before getting ready and heading off to the museums. It was time to be geeks fir the day and we were loving it. The natural history museum was first to tick off the list. I wanted it to be like the film night at the museum... and it was except everything stayed in the same place and didn't wake up. After walking around I was quite thankful of that...there were plenty of killer animals in the place. Dinosaurs, sharks, lions and tigers I would have been a dead girl!
We visited the Mesozoic era.Walking around this area I felt a close bond with Ross from friends. I know all about paleontology now. Maybe I'll understand more of what he talks about when I watch friends in the future. Haha. Visiting a museum, I felt like I was back in school again. It was so cool. There were a load of kids on a school trip going around doing quizzes and things...I was soooo jealous. How nerdy do I sound right now?
When we'd finished our tour we went to walk to the next museum on our list, the crimes and criminal one or something along those lines anyway. It was drizzling with rain, it was cold and our feet hurt. We looked for about 10 minutes for the museum and it just didn't want to be found. Instead we ditched the idea, got a potbelly sandwich and walked back to the hostel.
It was early evening and we were just going to chill out. We uploaded some photos, started the job hunt for Australia and caught up on lots of TV programs that I miss sooo much! I caught up with the members of the upper east side in gossip girl, some made in chelsea, dexter and even a few episodes of desperate housewives and 90210. I felt like I was back at home having a day off. Yes that's what my days off consisted of...staying in bed watching my programs. Don't judge! And yes I know we are in Washington but the weather is crap and we were tired and felt a lazy day was needed! Haha. Again don't judge!
There were a few newbies in our room when we got back downstairs and one had to be a schizophrenic, can you believe it? I mean seriously she was having full on conversations with herself mumbling and muttering as if she were sharing secrets. Shed even giggle at the conversation sometimes. Why was she put in our room.! I was scared...she was mean too she kept giving us daggers. I went straight back upstairs, she needed to be asleep for when I entered the room again.
Back upstairs to start the brand new season of Dexter. Kevin hooked his laptop up to the TV, we brought our quilts up and well ordering a papa johns had to be done. It was pizza and dexter time. Exciting stuff! It was getting close to 3am when we had finished. A relaxing evening but a late one. It was definately bed time!
Woken this morning by the extreme loud snoring of our room mate. I snore but I hope to god it's not that bad. I mean bloody hell he was practically making the room vibrate! He's still at it right now! Well we are now awake and getting ready to visit Tracy Turnblad in Baltimore.
This is going to be fun...'I can hear the bells, don't 'ya hear 'em chime, can't you fell my in perfect time...'
The Hairspray tunes will be blasting on our journey up the coast.
Well it's time for me to shower and pack up. We don't want to keep Tracy and co waiting. We have planned a singalong session!
Will be in touch in a few days...maybe I'll become a dancer on the corny Collins this can't stop my beat!' haha.
Love y'all
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