When a family member tells you they are building ANYTHING and could use some help.....RUN!!!!!!! Let's just say the best laid plans of mice or Dave and Debbie usually have some kind of fly in the ointment. Stopped to visit for a weekend and ended up staying for ten days to help out family by building a barn and separate shade structure for a horse and ended up smack dab in the middle of a bunch of crazy A** people...... Everybody has a plan in their head how this thing should go but nobody has bothered to tell anybody else or draw up a plan or supply list.... Can anyone say goat rope or cluster f**k..... Add in everybody's personal drama, lack of hydration and nutrition while working our butts off...... I haven't ever worked so hard my muscles revolted and now I feel and look like those runners at the marathon finish line..... Just one more step, I can do it, yes I can, nope you can't. Oh the insanity and of course, all this makes tempers short and relationships strained..... So far we're all still alive and not too beat up but SO READY TO GO BACK TO MY TENT!!!!!
On the positive note, I've found some awesome baby pine cones I might make into jewelry if the mood strikes me or if the past has proven anything, I will carry them around for a year or two until finally I lose them, or toss them in a new campground. Not sure a pine tree from the north west can live in Texas but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
And on an even brighter note, we became really good friends with Gene and Janet, relatives somehow with somebody in this group but blood never matters, they're close family after this hellish job! Misery loves company and we found some good company in this misery! Can't wait to visit Oregon/Washington area and sit with a toddy and toke and watch the sunset with them.... I'm sure we'll all smell better and laugh more on the next visit even though we have found the funny side in all this....... Funniest: Every family has an insane person and we finally found ours.....
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