Good morning Vietnam!! ( cheesy i know!)
in vietnam now in hanoi the capital this place to say the least is crazy!!! every time u try to cross the road its like taking ur life in ur own hands they drive in no lanes and bikes weave in and out of cars and they seem not to care in what direction!! constant peeping of horns apparently this is not road rage as u would think its to make the cars aware they are moving!! and you all thought my driving was bad???!! nothing compared to this!
the key apparently is to just walk and make them move!! so far so good we have not lost any limbs or lives for that matter!
so so cheap here had a panini and can ok coke just over a quid!! last nites dinner and drinks of a few cocktails was only a tenner - we even tried to haggle a taxi and refused him as was too expensive was 2 quid!! hahah we wanted it for 1 .
Oh BTW we are millionaires the money over here is also as mad 25650,00 vitnamese dong to the pound!! so walking around with millions and its only 30 quid
we finish the tour tomor so have booked into a hostel - looks so cool free breki free internet use and all for fiver a nite - we had a choice all female dorms or mixed - i said mixed but jo and shona were not up for it :) - no be that when theres talent and am in there lol
so plan to do a 2 day trip to halong bay to see the caves and do kayaking , sleep on the boat then back to head to Hue on a 12 hr overnight bus journey - gonna be great to do it at our own pace amnd meet more people.. maybe even get a long lie as so far been gone to bed after 12 and back up at 7 ( this is no me a like ma bed as u all know!)
keep the comments coming anf enjoy all ur easter eggs ( a would die for one the now) but will accept donations instead lol!!
love use speak soon
Hey, enjoyed first day in Hanoi, we're up early to go to the Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleumn, where they keep his body pickled, was busy, long queues but didn't have to wait long, then went into a room where his body lays in the glass box for about 2 seconds, Liddell questioned if they knew he was dead already cos of all the military around him lol. Had a nice avo wondering the streets and figuring out our next stop, looking forward to Halong Bay on Monday. Read in the guide book that the hostel has a Sunday Session..sold, but to be fair we'd met folk that recommended it to us. Going to the Water Puppet Theatre this avo and then out for a farewell drink with our group.
Still having a ball :)
Luv back home, have a good easter weekend
Miss H xxxxxxxxxxxx
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