well been a crazy few days - we decided to treat ourself in phi phi and upgrade to a nice hotel at 14 quid each which is dam expensive we were expecting the a beautiful beach hut with all the mod cons ie telly and air con, instead we get fawlty towers s*** hole with a fan!! gutted - anwyas stays and to cheer ourself up had a few buckets too many - next day done nothing !!!
next day we wake up and its raining aw noooo - we are no used to this!!! we need sunshine!!
so we book a bus at 8.30 that leaves at 9 that day.... not even packed and still need to run along to pier to get boat - make it just!! nearly killed me as walking with that back pack is hard enuf!!
we eventually arrive in Kuala lumpa at 3.30 this morn - to find we had nowhere to stay and most guest houses closed!! so sat in mcdonalds for abit then got a room at 9am this morn - now u wanna see this like prsioner cell block h!!
still had no sleep and its 36 hrs later as we wanted to do some sightseeing and shop!
on the up side i now have the cold but fear not its not swine flu as they checked me at the ,malaysian border lol!!! :) oh and now shona is getting bitten too!!( still love me tho!)
think we are heading to singapore soon and gonna treat ourelf to a nice place ( that really is nice and singapore sling at raffles!! we deserve it as doing more than eating drinking and sleepin is a task now!! haha
miss use all and still tryin to get the phottes up jst hard to get a place that does them or uploads them without taking hours!!!
claire xxxxx
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