hey everyone liddell logging in.... had a brilliant nite in chang mai - the place is so cool and more laid back than bangkok. use better beware when we come back as we took a cooking class yesterday so we will be showing use all up hahaha - seriously it was so good apart from me nearly taking my eyebrows off - photos to follow!!! cant believe forgot my camera uploading cable!! grrrr
u will never believe it its 9 am and we have been up for an hour - shona thot it was 845 we were meeting not 930 (I personally think she was jst making sure she got me up as we had a few jars last nite!! had a great laugh with our new group......
keep the updates coming from back home hope use all got email oik!!!! love use xxxxxxx
Morning, Yep had to drag Liddell out of bed lol...her job to get me to my bed, mine to get her up, ying n yang. Having a bril time. Went to the Grand Place on Tuesday in Bangkok, didn't get to see much of it before it started pouring. I went to get my rain coat (yep believe it, Jac thank your Aunt, has come in handy already) out my bag and managed to rip my trousers ...not only am i in a place, as a female, i'm not allowed to show my ankles or shoulders but i have my arse hangin out!! So rain coat went round the waist!!. Rained like i have never seen before, had to wade back to hotel in water up to our knees!! all the locals were laughing at us as they waited in shelter, but hey we're Scottish and the rain was warm lol. Had a 13 hour trip on sleeper train on Tues nite, but it took over 16, i slept like a baby. Chiang Mai is lovely much nicer than Bangkok, our group are really nice, enjoy a drink so enough said.
miss u's we'll get the photos up next time, cable is somewhere in my backpack n we need to get bus soon
Miss H
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